What should we do about ISIS/ISIL?

jeudi 2 avril 2015

Quite a few threads about ISIS, but reading this UN report today suggested that it needed a new thread asking "the" specific question as to what we do about about them in the non-jihadist world.

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This is not news I suppose, but the rapid rise in ISIS recruits from many different parts of the world in the last year, is, IMHO.

While ISIS have the platform they currently enjoy in Syria and Iraq, and obviously a large degree of success in achieving what they set out to achieve, it is inevitably going to be an ongoing magnet for such recruits.

The Iraqi government are having some success in Tikrit against ISIS, although this has now been left off the headlines for some time as that success has apparently stalled.

Our government and America, didn't see this one coming when they opted not to take action against Assad in Syria. This, I know was a complex issue that could have made matters worse, but I think this was largely down to the legacy of Bush and Blair, and caution has ruled events thereinafter.

Individual governments now in this rather weak coalition, do not really want to take ISIS on directly, on the ground with troops, relying on indigenous government troops with foreign air support. Although this has had some effect and has stopped ISIS from gaining more and substantial ground in certain areas of Iraq in particular, it has not stopped the jihadist fervour going on around the world from newly radicalised recruits.

The whole current scenario is frightening as I see it, and unless ISIS is eradicated, particularly in Syria and Iraq, sooner rather than later, it may be too late to take future action effectively. We may have already gone past that point, I don't know, but we now need a new and strong coalition fully committed to removing ISIS, using what ever means possible. A coalition similar to the one that ousted Saddam from Kuwait.

Does anyone agree with me?

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