Travelling Football Fans & Hotel Selection

vendredi 24 avril 2015

Dear fellow fans,

I am a football fan and enthusiast and I love watching English Premier League.

Now I am doing a research for my Masters thesis about travelling football fans and hotel selection.

Please take a few minutes to answer this questionnaire below. It is completely anonymous.

You only need to have travelled to attend a game in this season and stayed at a hotel during the trip.

It will take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Please answer all 3 parts, the 1st will take about 5' and the rest less than 3'.

Copy & Paste the link:

To view the link you have to Register or Login

Your opinion matters!

Thank you

Anestis Zoumpoulakis
Msc Student
Service Management, Tourism
Lund University
Campus Helsingborg

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