ITV Leaders Debate

jeudi 2 avril 2015

As convoluted and long winded as it promises to be, I'm actually quite looking forward to this. The prospect of it reminds me of the 'Every man for himself' contests on Wrestlemania I used to watch on my mate's Sky as a kid. The intrigue is all about who will gang up on who, and which boot will be stuck where the hardest.

The perfect storm for Ed Miliband would be the nationalists and Farage getting stuck into Cameron and for him to focus on looking statesmanlike and credible. Farage won't be competing for too many votes with Labour, so you can imagine him attacking Cameron and Clegg a fair bit, and possibly the most effectively. The nationalists and the Greens are competing with Labour for votes, but their main shtick is opposing austerity (and therefore Cameron) and their best hope of having any kind of power in Westminster is with a Labour government, so it'll be interesting to see how they balance it.

On the other hand, Cameron tends to defend himself very well whereas Miliband can be quite vulnerable, so even if the majority of punches are thrown at Cameron, one left hook from nowhere could send Ed to the canvas. The format of the show could stop this from happening, though, and to me looks to favour Miliband a fair amount.

A lot of money is going on Natalie Bennett to get the worse rating of the night, but I'm not convinced she'll do so badly. In the first case, there's likely to be little hostility to her from any of the other candidates, and many of them might take the 'I agree with Natalie' route, especially if she presents her initial arguments well which I've seen her do before. Farage is predictably being punted as performing the best, but he's not invulnerable so I wouldn't say that's a given either.

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