Film finances.

jeudi 2 avril 2015

Found myself looking up some film that I found myself watching on Chanel 5 the other night (I think its the first time that I have ever watched an entire anything on C5) called 'Daybreakers'. Film itself was a cheesy Vampire flick with an twist on the genre which does not tax the brain to much and was enjoyable in a popcorn munching sort of way but what I found fascinating was that a film with a budget of $20,000,000 dollars could generate $50,000,000 plus at the box office.

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So I picked a British film to see how the finances on that might work and went for an old Nick Love film, 'The Business' from 2005... (A British Gangster flick set on the Costa del Crime - to give credit where it is due there are much worse examples of the genre out there)

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The finances shown for that point to a £2 million budget but only a £1.5 million take at the box office. How much would DVD sales, use by people such as Netflix and Sky add on to that sort of take ? Would it have actually made a profit by now ?

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