What's your weekly Palace routine?

mardi 27 janvier 2015

I was recruited to support Palace this summer by a pal/co-worker, who is a long time Palace fan from London. I've really been drawn in by this club. He warned me that supporting Palace requires a real dedication because when things go bad they usually go horribly bad and when things go good, well, you get a spell like we're on since AP's appointment.

My question is how do you all follow Palace to stay current on all the news and updates? I follow Palace, SP and many players on Twitter. Listen to the FYP and Holmesdale pods. Read the BBS and Holmesdale forums, which usually link to plenty of information. Through all that I generally pick up the key news of the week, but I feel like I'm usually late to the party on certain conversations or rumours. Are there other websites or programs I've totally missed? Also, which ones are trash or pro/anti Palace? I've picked up that some publications shouldn't be trusted, but I can't say I always remember which ones those are. Thanks for any suggestions. I know I could ask my pal too, but would love to hear from you all as well.

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