Flying High - Issue Six - Out v Everton

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Another issue, another new manager.

Obviously we had to put Pards on the cover as we celebrate the arrival of the Villa Park hero in Issue 6 of Flying High, which is out at the Everton game this Saturday. We will be selling the mag around the ground and various watering holes before the game so do come and find one of us. It's the usual £1.50 and you will get the below:

  • Half Term report - We've basically had three seasons in one already, we run down the season so far.

  • Twenty's Plenty - We back the initiative for cheaper tickets across the board at Palace games.

  • USA! USA! - With rumblings of a US takeover at the end of last year, would we swap local ownership for moneybags success?

  • Plan B - Warnock didn't have one, Pardew does. We look at how the squad can offer more than just the obvious.

  • Alllll, Super Al - We all agree Pards was the right man for the job post-Warnock.

  • 200 Not Out - Terence of RednBlueArmy reaches 200 games in a row at the Everton game and picks his top goals and games from the double century.

In addition we have our usual features of Brolin's Hoover (complete with some amazing Palace tat), The Sh*t List, Dave's Moans and more.

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