Will Warnock ever learn?

mercredi 5 novembre 2014

When will Warnock realise that blaming referees in the media serves no purpose and in fact harms our teams chances of getting crucial borderline and often match deciding decisions.

Is it really just coincidence that palace have been on the wrong end of at least three penalty decisions, a clear assault on our goalkeeper resulting in a goal against and decisions surrounding yellow and red cards since his public outburst after the Chelsea game.

You blame one referee you are in effect insulting the credibility and integrity of the whole referees union........referees are human.....they make mistakes and they take offence to criticism.

This offence and clear challenge to their integrity can then often play a role in their decision making....not intentionally perhaps but certainly it plays a part in their psyche and their subconscious attitude when officiating a team managed by Warnock.

No referee is going to want to make a borderline decision that could be wrong when seen in countless replays for fear of being accused of being influenced.......referees fear that a wrong decision will be put down to the influence that warnocks outbursts places on them.....Warnock has accused the Chelsea players of acting in a manner that influenced the referee but Warnock fails to recognise the damaging influence his own public outburst have on the officials psyche.

Warnocks outbursts are wholly counter productive and in fact miss the whole point......the point being that he should be concentrating ALL his efforts on working on the things he CAN effect ie the teams playing style, individual players needs on how to improve and the attitude that ensures that when the opponents get a player sent off you don't them commit stupid fouls within minutes to even up the contest

Sort it out mr Warnock your rants are doing no one associated with the palace any good at all.

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