temperature logging

vendredi 14 novembre 2014


Another one of my more weird questions. I am keen to log temperatures indoors and outdoors as part of an exercise to get on top of our heating management (long story). I want an affordable/low cost way of capturing temperatures effectively and probably on an hourly basis but flexible on this.

I assumed that there would be an abundance of low cost options for this given technology and the zillion reasons I can think that this technology would be old and cheap by now. But I am struggling to narrow this down to something that looks like it works without spending a lot of cash (relative to what it is)

I want to be able to analyze the captured data on a windows 7 PC so that I can integrate it into other stuff I am capturing relating to this.

I have looked under data loggers, weather stations and shipping temp trackers and have struggled to find something that fits the bill.

Just wondered if anyone on here (unlikely I know) knows about this stuff or has something.

The nearest I have come in terms of functionality - albeit they come with more than I need - were the weather stations that capture it over time and some support data transfer but I was struggling to find anything for say £20 or £30 largely because they all do far more than temp. I will spend more but assumed it was worth asking here first.

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