Petition to save Crystal Palace athletics stadium

lundi 10 novembre 2014

The Greater London Authority are trying to bulldoze through plans to demolish the athletics stadium in Crystal Palace Park and, in the worst case scenario, replace it with just landscaping – and a primary school!

Please sign the petition on this webpage To view the link you have to Register or Login before 17 November if you are against the GLA proposals as well – there's also a link to the official website if you know nothing about them.

My personal opinion is that these plans have nothing to do with their stated reasons but are more Boris Johnson wanting to a lasting 'legacy' in rebuilding the Crystal Palace since the part of the park not subject to the 'demolition' proposals mysteriously matches exactly the portion the ZhongRong Group (part owned by the famously transparent Chinese government) want to keep out of public and local control for 125 years! Except for Boris & Friends, ZhongRong's intentions are being kept secret from everyone who will have to live with the aftermath of a community and park destroyed in the interests of money and 'lasting legacy'. To make things worse Seb Coe's company is also involved (To view the link you have to Register or Login ) – so much for an 'Olympic Legacy' for people living south of the river and beyond!

Locals, like me only have this petition to really show opposition so please support the cause.


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