Cardiac Risk in the Young. Please read.

mercredi 12 novembre 2014

Hi all,

I know I haven't been around on here for quite some time, but I felt it necessary to make a reappearance after some tragic news involving a Palace season ticket holder and his wife.

In the early hours of Sunday 26th October, my best friend's wife suffered a massive cardiac arrest. James proceeded to give Marie CPR whilst waiting for the Ambulance Service to arrive.

Marie spent a week in intensive care at Croydon University Hospital. During that week family and friends of both James and Marie pretty much camped out in the hospital, giving as much love and support to both as we could physically and emotionally manage. In some cases people didn't sleep for 2 or 3 days. Others of us spent 10, 11, 12 hours at a time at hospital before heading home for some rest before starting again the next day.

On Sunday 2nd November Marie passed away. She was just 29. The news has left us empty, numb, confused and questioning everything. Marie ran a trampolining group called Anti-Gravity and spent all her time helping children and special needs pupils. To see the outpouring of love and affection for her from all those whose lives she has touched has been just amazing.

I type this with tears rolling down my cheeks.. I could not be prouder than I am right now for James. The way he has coped with everything has been nothing short of amazing. His strength and courage has been inspirational. Nothing prepares you for holding your mate in your arms after he's been told bad news. Nothing prepares you for going in to say goodbye to your friend for the last time. There is no manual for this. But the way James has been coping with this has helped us all cope with it too. He's been amazing.

As a result of this James wants to raise some money for CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). I know most of you don't know him or Marie, but if you feel like chucking a couple of quid towards this massively worthwhile cause, then here is the link he has created: To view the link you have to Register or Login .

Rest in Peace, Minty. We love you and miss you every day.

Simon x

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