Social Media Now Suppressing Rather Than Enabling Free Speech?

mardi 23 septembre 2014

We all know that the wider media takes far too much notice of Twitter etc now - Scotland was a good example where based on number of tweets the Yes vote would have had a landslide while we all laugh at the faux outrage of the Mail when about three people tweet disapproval of something the BBC shows (last example was a woman with an issue with pulling her own hair out getting outraged when Dr Who showed the Dr plucking a hair from Clara's head - good story Mail!).

However, I have started to feel that social media is actually on the verge of limiting free speech - by virtue of some of the groups using it and their behaviour (small numbers, stupid people yes - but out there anyway). Three recent examples:

Andy Murray tweets support for yes - perfectly within his rights - someone tweets they wish he had died with the other kids in Dunblane

Several women start a campaign to get Florence Nightingale on the bank note and get threatened with rape

Today - Emma Watson makes a speech at the UN about equality (she is an ambassador for it) and the people who claim to have all the nude pics threaten to release some of her on the basis of what she has said (no proof any exist and she is not publicity seeking like most of the ones leaked but maybe she has some beach shots topless or something who knows)

Add in the seriously nasty use of SM by IS and co and you do have to worry that in the end, SM is actually starting to kill the very freedom and liberation of the individual that it created.

Makes you wonder where next in the interconnected world.

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