I think us improving has really rattled other midtable clubs fans

jeudi 11 novembre 2021

After we smashed away Wolves at the weekend I really didn't think anymore about it. However the Wolves fans hoo boy. Been having rolling social media spats about what a nothing club we are. Teeny shitty lower Championship club etc.

Have I missed something where Wolves are the Champions of Europe or something.

If you want a laugh at how triggered they are

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Apparently beating the mighty Wolves has angered the titans of English football. It says something about the perception of themselves that Wolves fans have in comparision to Palace . When all I can see is yet another average Birmingham team amongst several others.

I've noticed this week that the press have suddenly realised that all of the pre-season predictions were total bollocks and what had become obvious to us during preseason is that we'd be fine. Actually if PV keeps it up we can make a 'comfortable' run for Europe. Are we under the radar or are the Wolves fans the next in a line of clubs fans that have lost their shit when we've given them a going over?

Queue the other teams figuring out our tactics and we stall now I've said that!

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