windows 10 network experts?

vendredi 26 juin 2020

Hi, Another long shot but I am guessing there are experts and geeks out there still :)- we have the fibre to the home BT service and are getting stupidly fast internet speeds now (306mbs to the HUB.

Until recently the house PC windows 10 (powerful thing that I over specified a while back thinking I would use it for gaming and graphic packages etc. ) was pretty much getting those speeds but I have noticed it slowing down and now bizarrely if I run a PC to server speed test (various) I am getting 25-30 max - bizarrely my upstream is still up at 50mb.

I connected the pc via wifi rather than it's usual cabled connection and got the same results. But if I test using my ipad then I get better speeds - approaching 100mb (likely throttled by the house wifi.).

So I am wondering what the problem might be and where do I look next?

I seem to have enough disk space memory and processor spare and so that looks unlikely to be the issue. I risked turning off the realtime virus and firewall for a quick speed test and there was no difference. Went through my startup programme list and turned off anything I don't use. That leaves nvidia/adobe/java/ and the usual stuff.

I do have dropbox, amazon photo and onedrive and maybe there is a conflict between them but its been like that for years now.

I have another full scan running just in case.

Any smart ideas about what might be throttling the inbound pc speeds but not the outbound?

Thx in advance.

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