Ditch Palace - Ditch the Premier League - do it now

dimanche 28 juin 2020

I’ve previously stated on here that I would no longer post, but due to recent events I feel compelled to do so.

I’ve watched with incredulity and sadness over the years with football being commoditised, sanitised, corporatised and globalised but we have reached a point where the Premier League, as the very expression of hyper capitalism and globalisation has co-opted the Black Lives Matter “movement” and are actively pushing this to you and your children as an unquestionably good thing.

The truth is that BLM is a violent, subversive openly Marxist organisation (very well) funded by foreign interests who’s aims are to undermine your society by actions such as removing/defunding your police forces, removing and changing your history and creating anarchy in your society. It’s not a grassroots movement and the fundamental premise of this is that white people and white culture is fundamentally racist and needs to be destroyed. What’s more the whole thing is based on lies about blacks being targeted in the US as both the facts of the individual cases and the stats just don’t add up. Go and look for yourself. What does any of this have to do with the UK anyway?

Yet despite all this we have reached a point where “black lives matter” is supported by every corporation, celebrity, media outlet and institution unquestionably and we have players and officials “taking the knee” along with our police force (just before they get beaten to a pulp). At the same time someone flies “white lives matter” over the Etiad and immediately loses his job along with two other member of his family. This is now a “hate crime”. A Cambridge professor also tweets “white lives don’t matter” and then gets promoted. Somehow the “white lives matter” banner was a bigger story this week than 3 gay men getting butchered by a terrorist. Why is this?

If you are watching these events and other events going on in this country and are increasing uneasy, confused and concerned (and probably increasingly angry) about what’s going on, and why everything seems to be upside down then you are right to be so. The government, the corporations, the media and every other institution are working against your interests and you need to withdraw both your support and your money. What you are seeing is the weaponisation of your own good nature and sense of fairness against your own interests. Everything that you know to be good about your society is being “deconstructed”.

If you don’t understand why that might be you may want to you may want to do some research into things like the Frankfurt School, the Fabian Society and Common Purpose and how all these things, and more, are linked and have subversively and malevolently influenced our society over decades. None of this is “conspiracy theory” and all is freely available if you just look for yourself. All of this was predictable.

So the question I have for you is when are you going to stand up for yourself and your own interests (and those of your family)? This should be the single question that pre-occupies you. How much more humiliation and psychological abuse are you willing to put up with? If you open your eyes you can see it everywhere you look. In advertising, Hollywood movies on Netflix in the mass media / news you are fed. It’s just a narrative that pushes you further into submission. Do you think this is going to stop or get worse? How much more difficult will it be to stand up for yourself when it does? “White lives matter” is now somehow a controversial statement. Think hard about that.

I will never watch another Palace game, even if it’s free to watch. My advice to you is stop watching Football, put your pint down, stop “consuming” news and culture and start paying attention to what’s really going on in your own country.

Wake up.

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