Do we run the risk of ending up like Stoke ?

mercredi 23 octobre 2019

Might seem strange seeing we have had a good start points wise , but I do wonder whether we are following a similar path to Stoke . They have a Chairman who obviously is Stoke through and through , but from memory they started to have an ageing squad with some very high earners . Suddenly from being a mid table side never looking like being relegated , they just went on a downward spiral .
I was going through our squad the other day and on the whole I like most of our squad as they seem really good decent professionals . However the average age of the squad does seem quite high and there is a lack of pace .
Ward , Tomkins , Cahill , Dann , McArthur , Kelly , Benteke , Sakho , Kouyate are all late 20s early 30s - if their performances / energy levels drop 5 % will we struggle ? Also quite a few them are missing more and more games through injury - add Wickham to the list ?
It does seem that RH prefers to have experienced players who he can rely on - which is working and hopefully keeps us up . Is this the best way to continue or should we try to bring some younger players with pace / creativity . Difficult to get balance right as we have Meyer and Camarassa but maybe RH is correct in that they just are not reliable enough to be more than bit part players . Maybe SP feels this is best policy until our finances are a little more healthy .

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