Players scared of losing at home

vendredi 10 février 2017

Read about this last night. Given our support these past few years, I hope to goodness that all we ask of our team is to leave 100% effort once they cross the white line until the end of each game. Last Saturday was the nadir of our home performances since we were promoted.

We fans support our team and we have been very patient. Last Saturday our honesty was the outpouring with our half time heartfelt chant. I sang it and it really emotionally hurt.

We can stay up and fans will back the team come what may The players should not fear giving their all. Any less than organised and intense 100% effort and we will have to rebuild and start again in the EFL Championship and the fans will back the team. The players know what's at stake.

We are CPFC. Never fear playing at home.

Onwards. COYP.

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