The quality of various companies' media & comms outputs

vendredi 24 février 2017

I feel almost like a Private Eye reader, who writes in to declare "I am cancelling my subscription" - even when they clearly have no intention of doing so - in starting this thread. It may be better placed as a comment on the 'Things That Annoy You' thread. (Mods - please merge if required)

I received an email today from earlier today with the subject line, [ "We have to role up our sleeves and dig out a result..." - Sam Allardyce]. The misspelling of 'roll' really infuriated me.

The evolution of language, in particular thanks to the arrival of the internet, text messaging and social media, has led to a relaxing of the traditional grammatical rules of English. As a result, I have learned to stop correcting people who misuse apostrophes or who make spelling mistakes as a result of text speak or phonetic spelling. I don't criticise BBSers for saying 'your' when 'you're' is the correct spelling, etc.

However, should the media and communications department of a major company not be held to a higher standard? What happened to proof-reading?

Has anyone else seen any similar examples? They don't have to be CPFC-related.

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