TFL Penalty Charge Notice

vendredi 24 février 2017

I got a penalty charge notice in the post today for doing a prohibited left turn on a red route last Thursday, with a nice little picture of me sat in the van. It's a road I used to drive along years ago and always made a left at the lights but haven't been down that way for years, so didn't realise it was no left turn. Anyway the PCN says "The alleged contravention was seen and observed by camera operator number 155 who was observing real time pictures at the time stated and has been recorded on digital storage media". So I hold my hands I am going to have to pay it.

The only problem is the following day Friday I did exactly the same left turn because I didn't realise it was prohibited. So do I read from that bit I quoted that there is some bloke sat in an office somewhere looking at the cameras real time and he spotted me doing a left, hence the ticket. Or is there some poor sod who sits there reviewing all the camera tapes all day, looking for offences or is there something that flags up people doing illegal turns and I am likely to get another ticket in the post for Fridays offence?

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