Allardyce - already making excuses - we must be in trouble !

mardi 17 janvier 2017

Cast your minds back to when Allardyce first joined Palace, I read 3 or 4 press pieces where he was suggesting he couldn't believe his luck in landing the Palace job with the quality of squad we had at his disposal.

4 winless premiership games later (where our performances have got progressively worse). He is now saying;

"I got to Palace a little late, remember I was already at Sunderland by November 2015, gave me more time...."
"This job is harder than I thought, this will be tougher than Sunderland"
"This transfer window is harder than any I have known before"
"The defence needs a total reshaping"
"The players confidence is lower than I first thought"

Where was that new manager positive results bounce.....

Allardyce seems to now be aware he has bitten off a little too much to chew this time, doesn't feel me with any confidence that he actually feels he can get us out of this mess. We lose against Everton and in my opinion we are down !!!

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