Rio 2016 ; an even playing ground?

dimanche 21 août 2016

For me the Best two weeks of the sporting year and brilliantly uplifting to see team GB win so many medals.....but I can't help thinking having banned Russia for attempting to create an uneven playing field through drug use are team GB any less guilty of creating unfair advantages?
All performers, coaches, fans want is sport with equal opportunities and the creation of an even playing field where talent and hard work has a equal chance to succeed.
Quite rightly the world of sport rejects state sponsored drug taking...the taking of performance ehhancing drugs allows for longer periods of training, quicker recovery time and in doing so creates unfair advantage.........additionally and controversially the issue of gender classification is currently in the middle of a two year reflection period therefore currently allowing athletes with above the 3% level of natural testosterone in the female body to compete in women's competition......causing concerns again to be raised as to equal playing are the vast amount of millions of UK pounds of lottery funding available to UK sport and Team GB fair on our less wealthy competitors? Is our funding commitments creating level playing fields for our competitors? Team GB now has a set up of full time, fully paid athletes, fully paid coaches and numerous support staff ranging from nutritionalists, psychologists and sports scientists.....additionally we now have facilities the envy of the world......we have a network of world wide training camps again the envy of the world.....and as been said by numerous medal winners over the past two weeks .....our athletes arrive at the start line of competition better prepared that any other performers in the world........on one hand an unbelievable achievement and one to be rightly proud...but as we collectively condem state sponsored drug state sponsored funding any less effective in creating uneven playing fields?

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