Negativity Does Nothing To Help The Team

mardi 22 mars 2016

The attacks on Palace's management and the negative attitude by supposed Palace supporters is quite frankly sickening to see on a Palace board.

It helps not one iota and just fuels the media.

At this time everyone needs to pull in the same direction as Palace fans have done in the past.

Certain BBS posters should be ashamed of their negative attitude towards anything Palace and clearly must have a different agenda to the majority of Palace supporters who are disgusted to admit that we have such fickle supporters within the Palace fan-base.

There is no magical solution at this time as the transfer window is closed and so Palace have to make the best of what they have got after an injury crisis has greatly reduced our options and completely changed our season.

Before losing so many important players this Palace side were flying and in 5th place and so there is not a lot wrong with our first choice team when it is available.

Even though players are returning to the team they will need time to get back up to speed and regain match fitness having missed games.

Palace still have a cushion to the drop zone which will buy us some time and allow the team to get back to what it was before the loss of so many players within the space of weeks.

Steve Coppell had a 15 game winless run but he has not faced the same vitriol as that aimed by some at Alan Pardew at this time.

Palace do not need negativity at this time as it does not help the situation.

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