Goalscorers rushing into the goal to fetch the ball

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

This seems to be more and more the norm, week in week out. Not so long ago it seemed this sort of behaviour was confined to cup ties where the favourite was losing and time was precious.
Now we see it when a premier league team equalizes against another in balanced, run of the mill, matches.
Personally I find it really irritating (and not just against Palace). It usually sparks a petty shoving match 'flare up' at a time when the scorer should just enjoy a celebration with the crowd. If the ref is doing his job and stops the watch when the goal is scores, its also completely unnecessary. Isn't it time the football authorities clamped down on it? Only the GK should be allowed to retrieve the ball, but if he takes too long the ref deals with it by a yellow card, end of.

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