Palace - Fantastic Fans, Fantastic Club - a thank you

dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Just before Christmas my daughter Lucy was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukaemia. She is a Palace fan and I am a season ticket holder who has followed the club since 1971.

We want to thank all those who so generously donated to our bucket collection at the Stoke game. If you did not have the chance you can make a contribution at her just giving page. Go to the just giving website and she is then lucy-angierAML.

We are fund raising for Anthony Nolan. They match people with those who are in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant. Lucy is fortunate in that her brother is a match for her but others are not so lucky. We have met one girl whose father is Italian and mother Thai. It is proving much more difficult to get a genetic match for her.

If as many people as possible can volunteer to be tested it increases the chance of a match. The test is a spit test. Donating in most cases is just a matter of giving blood.

The Club's support for us has been tremendous. Steve Browlet pulled the right strings. Terry Byfield did an excellent piece at half-time.

It is quite expensive to do the testing required and register people appropriatly. Anthony Nolan support people from 16-30 to be tested. If you are over 30 go to 'Delete Blood Cancer UK'. Both have website you can google.

We are still in the process of counting the money but it looks like we will have sufficient to potentially save over 15 lives.

All in all a fantastic afternoon and even the team did its bit by winning!

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