Collection for Bradford Fire Memorial on Saturday

mardi 21 avril 2015

As you may be aware, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Bradford City fire disaster in which 56 supporters lost their lives and hundreds more were injured.

The anniversary will be marked throughout the Football League and Premier League this weekend.

A minute silence will be held before our match and the supporters' trusts of Hull and Palace are hoping to hold a bucket collection at the stadium. In case this doesn't happen, and for those who can't be at the match, we've set up a justgiving page to raise money for the Burns Unit at Bradford University, which was set up in the wake of the fire.

Any donations - no matter how small - will be gratefully received. You can donate online here: To view the link you have to Register or Login

This is all been arranged as short notice as the CPST were only contacted by the Hulls fans who brought it to our attention (for which thanks) a short time ago so the bucket collection which would be inside the ground is looking a bit problematical - so does anyone here have quick access to either collection tins or collecting buckets and could bring them along early on Saturday? Any volunteers to shake them would be good as well.

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