The Trews

vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Thought that these daily You Tube videos from Russell Brand were worth a thread of there own, to spark debate and to discuss the many issues he brings up; and of course as a service to those with an irrational hatred for the man, so they can vent their spleen and decrease their high blood pressure.

In case you've somehow totally missed these short videos; they feature Brand offering his viewpoint on the media: news, politicians, equality gap, 'democracy', etc... He also features interviews on these subjects with activists and other celebs as well as responding to comments from viewers.

Some find him ridiculous, attention seeking, frivolous, insane and hypocritical; others insightful and promoting social consciousness. I find it very interesting the wildly different views towards Brand from the people I know in my sphere. When his name has popped up on these boards, the reaction has reflected that dichotomy also. I'm sure there will be posters questioning why I've even started such a thread.

The Trews has only been running for 10 months but has already amassed nearly 1 million subscribers and has caused quite a bit of a stir, especially on America's Fox News, which actually went out of their way to discredit him on their shows, as did The Sun recently in their publication.

Personally; in a society where the media reports broadly from one angle and mind set, it's very refreshing to have someone actually question this, whether you think it's self serving waffle or not.

Here's the latest 'Trews' (Ep219), where he looks back at the impact his shows have had this last year.

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