The Guardian on the graceless Gary Monk

lundi 1 décembre 2014

Monk’s words distort real view of Palace draw

The media’s modern obsession with quotes is dumbing down football coverage and often giving the public a distorted view of events. By trotting out managerial verbiage, without analysing it properly, match reports too often give a biased account of what really happened. Saturday’s 1-1 draw between Swansea and Crystal Palace provides a good example. The Welsh team were dominant for the first 20 minutes but their finishing was poor allowing Palace to claw their way back into the game and gain a deserved 1-1 draw. Yet afterwards the Swansea manager, Garry Monk, said his team had controlled the match for all but 10 minutes and had deserved to win. This was patently untrue but Monk, like all managers, knew his view would be given more space, or air time, than most reporters’ words to the contrary. Joe Lovejoy

Didn't realise what a twat he was until this weekend

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