Should we be afraid?

mardi 2 décembre 2014

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This proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is starting to give me the creeps. Sounds like a lot of nasty deregulation to me and deregulation is probably the agenda I worry about the most when it comes to the Conservative party.

The EU has far stronger regulation than the US and although this will hamper business for people in certain trades, the overarching protection it provides is worth it in my opinion. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership could potentially compromise EU legislation and make us more like the US.

In general I am not someone who is anti-capitalism or anti-corporation but recognise some of the faults we have in our system. Generally speaking I think it is down to the individual to fix their own problems but we still have to keep a watchful eye on the powers that be as their decisions do affect us all.

Has anyone else heard about this deal and what are your thoughts on the subject? If we could put the tedious partisan bickering aside for one minute and have a genuine discussion on this.

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