Bud Buddies - Project Storm

jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Please find sometime (1h.50mins) to watch this documentary

which follows the story of a man who is well under the UK polices radar for cannabis possession/production and supply but for the great of good in helping out cancer and other chronic pain sufferers.

Also to scrutinize a company (GW pharma) who said there is no such medicinal purpose in cannabis but have tried to patent cannabis(yes patented a plant) and continue through government licence to grow this plant and sell it on for big profit.

This documentary does not try to say that cannabis is the be all and end all to cancer but does show with medical study that it could help people with tumours and who are in early diagnosis up until stage 3 advanced possibly.

Whatever you're stance on cannabis I am sure that some of the story's on there will leave you close to tears because they did me.

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