Buying, installing and setting up a NAS server ... ?

dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Any advice, tips?

I've been using an old laptop as a home server, connected to a 4TB external hard drive. Its worked well enough, as I've been able to use command prompt back ups over the network from the various family computers to back up stuff overnight through it to the external harddrive. I've also been able to use it to stream films from the external harddrive to my WD Live Hub.

However, this morning it looks like the laptop Harddrive has finally given up. It won't load windows and its making a funny whirring clicky noise. Sounds like a dead HD to me.

Therefore I'm thinking I might as well sort out something a bit better.

I'm looking at this To view the link you have to Register or Login

I think from what I can see I'll still need to buy a SATA drive to use it ... is that correct?

Also I used to broadcast internet radio shows using the old laptop, I assume I won't be able to use this for that purpose, but can anyone confirm?

All help, tips and knowledge gratefully received as I'm clueless really!

Thanks in advance. :)

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