Who'd be a manager eh?

mercredi 26 mars 2014

When you think about it, it really is just a game, but you look around at some of the manager's faces and you see nothing but fatigue and despair. Moyes looks positively haunted, so does Holloway. Yes, they chose their path in life and they get paid well, but these people all have families too. What must it be like in their households right now? Can they switch off, or does the cat/dog/other members of their family suffer the brunt of their despair? Me? I'd take the money and run. I'm sure each of them to varying degrees has enough bunce in the bank, and yet they continue to put themselves through the grinder that is football management, week in, week out. Never mind the slings and arrows, the abuse these people get is, as Coppell once described it after being abused the length of the Chelsea touchline by Palace fans after they got beat 6-2 "fearful" to put it mildly.

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