Do we give Mourinyoyo the clap??

jeudi 27 mars 2014

This is starting to bug me you now:grrr:...having spent years growing up hating those filthy nazi chelski scum.... their oligarch funder and the horrible place Stamford Bridge USED to be....something odd has been happening...been noticing how a few of the nicest friends i have are Chelsea fans...not your plastic ones but ones who always supported them from the 70's and really nice geezers...never a bad word to say about Palace these days(they used to have bad words for us but that was in the past)...they are almost paternalistic about we are their odd little brothers or something..they like us!!?? Then there's when we were in administration....that friendly game we had...the bastards donated their share of the gate receipts to us didn't they?? was I dreaming?? other fecker did anything like that, they all just tried to screw us...Then there's Jose! how many more times can the man be complimentary about our club and fans...I honestly believe he has a huge soft spot for us...and, if I'm honest, I like his suit and sense of humour.

The other day I was speaking to a close cousin of Brian Clough. I told her i was a Palace fan and mentioned the time(was it in the 80's?) when the old stand gave Cloughy an ovation as he walked out onto the pitch. I remember he started looking behind himself to see who the ovation was for, until, it finally clicked it was for him. She was well aware of the incident and it ovbiously made a huge impact on Cloughy who himself retold the story.

Now I know Jose is no Cloughy....but I kinda like him and he kinda likes us I'm about we give him a similar welcome onto our hallowed turf?? it would do more good than harm surely?? show what a magnanimous bunch we can be...of course after that we must all scream and swear at anything chelski do...but just for a couple of minutes??? what dya reckon?? I apologize but I had to get this out of my may well be a ridiculous idea:eek:

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