Roy Hodgson Q&A 27th November 7pm All Welcome

mercredi 6 novembre 2019

The Trust are having their AGM on 27th November at 7pm in Speroni's at the club. Roy Hodgson has kindly agreed to be the guest speaker and to do a Question and Answer session.

This will be up first and the Trust has opened this up to everyone who wants to come along and hear Roy and ask questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with Roy in person and I hope that people will come along. Questions are not pre-vetted or scripted and anyone from the audience will have a chance to ask questions although we would expect people to keep it polite.

If you are intending to turn up please email us so we can get an idea of numbers here

And people are welcome to stay for the AGM as well of course.:D

The club are also opening the bar before and during the meeting

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