Nicola Sturgeon policies

dimanche 24 novembre 2019

I would struggle to get any kind of wood with wee jimmy krankie (let's get the obvious out the way)

Her policies ATM seem very self-harming to Scotland. IF the Scots go for independence. they would not get any assistance from England/Wales/NI.

Their latest policy is to get rid of Trident. Very applaudible on a moralistic level, however, it is not just about submarines and nuclear weapons and the employment of UK sailors
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It goes into local shops and services, and would massively impact Scotland's fragile economy.
North Sea oil is also a big bone of contention, with all the associated service industries, and the fact a chunk of profits go to UK central Government
The next major industry for Scotland is fishing. Independence would see them staying within the EU and giving up their fishing waters.

I am thinking her political ambition is overtaking rational thought as to what is best for Scotland

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