No thread as of yet.
Wouldnt it e wonderful...
If Watford and Southhampton went down? Bunch of absolute arsehole clubs and fans. Id love Brighton to shit their pants until the final day but somehow stay up( for a year or two) before they suffer the same fate
Our next 7 games
Potential here to really shoot up the table with our next 7 fixtures... fingers crossed we do really well
Crystal Palace v Bournemouth
Watford v Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace v Brighton
Newcastle v Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace v West Ham
Southampton v Crystal Palace
Norwich v Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace v Bournemouth
Watford v Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace v Brighton
Newcastle v Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace v West Ham
Southampton v Crystal Palace
Norwich v Crystal Palace
Stats help needed!
I am trying to sort out a personalised Christmas gift for a friend whose first match was home against West Ham on 17th September 1991 (2-3 loss :hmph:). I am struggling to find the times of each of the goals, for and against. Can anyone help please?
Thank you!
Thank you!
December Betting Masters 193
BM - 193 ...All welcome, show the BBS who the best punter is; don't delay join today!
Order of Merit update after October.
PoolKing 52
Louis 46
Stigma 44
StuNick 39
Finbar 38
Funk Butter 38
3 Beers at HT 37
aj4england 15
Bellyman 7
kayjay 2
JamTheEagle 2
Previous winners:
1: el mico
2: three-way 0-0-0 final draw !!!(Plugster, late mail and odds against)
3: Finbar
4: Grim Reaper
5: EagleSE24
7: Stigma
8: Stigma
9: Stigma
10: Tor
11: Finbar
12: Finbar
13: old git
Overall best betting in 2004: Stigma
14. Reps AJ
15. bradley eagle
16. Tor
18. stevejfh
19. Tor
20. Finbar
21. Drunk eagle
22. Ozeagle
24. Wildcat Army
Overall best better in 2005: stevejfh
26: si1965
27: Ozeagle
28: srs9jps
29. si1965
30: hakers
31: Tor (WC '06)
32: srs9jps
33: NO1FAN
34: Drunk eagle
35: Stigma
36: Stigma
37: DedBallSpeshlst
Overall best better in 2006: Flat Noodle
39: Finbar
40: richdeniro
41: Stigma
Champions league winner 06/07: Ian Hart
UEFA Cup winner 06/07: Gav The Hamster
42: Finbar
43: Funk Butter
44: PoolKing
45: Funk Butter
46: Drunk Eagle
47: StuNick
48: Stigma
49: StuNick
Champions league winner 07/08-1: Finbar
UEFA Cup winner 07/08-1: Gav The Hamster
Overall best better in 2007: Finbar
50: GodstoneEagle
51: Funk Butter
52: Finbar
53: Funk Butter
55: Al From Bromley
56: Stigma
2008 Olympics: pauldrulez
57: pauldrulez
58: NO1FAN
59: Al From Bromley
60: Drunk Eagle
Overall best better in 2008: StuNick
61: StuNick
62: ardeo
63: Stigma
65: Finbar
66: No1Fan
67: Al From Bromley
68: Al From Bromley
69: Funk Butter
70: DedBallSpeshlst
71: Kayjay
72: Gooders
73: gjohnk
Overall best better in 2009: Funk Butter
74: Finbar
75: StuNick
76: DedBallSpeshlst
77: Swanny32
78: Funk Butter
79: Funk Butter
80: gjohnk
81: Finbar
82: MynamenisnotMax
83: No1Fan
84: gjohnk
85: Little Fozzie
World Cup 2010 winner: old git
Overall best better in 2010: ?????
86: Flat Noodle
87: Finbar
88: GodstoneEagle
89: Flat Noodle
90: mynameisnotmax
91: Louis
92: Funk Butter
93: gjohnk
94: DedBallSpeshlst
95: Stigma
96: cantspell
97: No1Fan
2011 Order of Merit Winner: Finbar
March 100th edition knockout special: Little Fozzie
Champions league winner 1st half 2011: Finbar
Champions league winner 2nd half 2011: StuNick
Jan - May UEFA Cup winner 2011: StuNick
Aug - Dec UEFA Cup winner 2011: Housey100
98: 3 Beers at HT
99: StuNick
100: cantspell
101: Funk Butter
102: Finbar
103: Swanny32
104: Funk Butter
105: Louis
106: srs9jps
107: Funk Butter
109: Funk Butter
2012 Order of Merit Winner: Funk Butter
August - Dec 2012 Champions League winner: Swanny32
August - Dec 2012 UEFA Cup winner: JamTheEagle
Jan - May 2012 Champions League winner: No1Fan
Jan - May 2012 UEFA Cup winner: Ian Hart
110: Louis
111: Louis
112: Gooders
113: Finbar
114: Little Fozzie
115: StuNick
116: Flat Noodle
117: Louis
118: evvo111
119: srs9jps
120: StuNick
2013 Order of Merit Winner: Louis
Jan - May 2013 Champions League Winner: Gooders
Jan - May 2013 UEFA Cup winner: Scoopster
Aug - Dec 2013 Champions League Winner: Little Fozzie
Aug - Dec 2013 UEFA Cup Winner: Stigma
122: No1Fan
123: PoolKing
125: 3 Beers at HT
126: Louis
127: Finbar
129: 3 Beers at HT
130: Finbar
131: Funk Butter
132: Stig
133: Louis
2014 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2014 Champions League Winner: Stigma
Jan - May 2014 UEFA Cup winner: Bellyman
Aug - Dec 2014 Champions League Winner: Ardeo
Aug - Dec 2014 UEFA Cup Winner: PoolKing
Winter Olympics 2014 Winner: srs9jps
134: Gooders
135: Finbar
136: 3 Beers at HT
137: Funk Butter
138: pfc
139: Gooders
140: Funk Butter
141: Louis
142: evvo111
143: pauldrulez
144: Louis
145: evvo111
2015 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2015 Champions League Winner: Funk Butter
Jan - May 2015 UEFA Cup winner: Flat Noodle
Aug - Dec 2015 Champions League Winner: PoolKing
Aug - Dec 2015 UEFA Cup Winner: Little Fozzie
146: Louis
147: PoolKing
148: Louis
149: evvo111
151: StuNick
152: 3 Beers at HT
153: evvo111
154: Finbar
155: 3 Beers at HT
156: Finbar
157: StuNick
2016 Order of Merit winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2016 Champions League Winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2016 UEFA Cup winner: Little Fozzie
Euros 2016 special winner: 3 Beers at HT
2016 Olympics Winner: Funk Butter
Aug - Dec 2016 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Aug - Dec 2016 UEFA Cup Winner: pfc
158: 3 Beers at HT
159: Stigma
160: Finbar
161: 3 Beers at HT
162: StuNick
163: Louis
164: Louis
165: PoolKing
166: Louis
167: Finbar
168: Kayjay
169: StuNick
2017 Order of Merit winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2017 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Jan - May 2017 UEFA Cup winner: Funk Butter
Aug - Dec 2017 Champions League Winner: StuNick
Aug - Dec 2017 UEFA Cup Winner: Louis
170: Louis
171: Finbar
172: Louis
173: Stigma
174: Finbar
175: Louis
176: Stigma
177: StuNick
178: Funk Butter
179: Stigma
180: Finbar
181: Funk Butter
2018 Order of Merit winner: Stigma
Jan - May 2018 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Jan - May 2018 UEFA Cup winner: eagles073
World Cup BM 2018: 3 Beers at HT
Aug - Dec 2018 Champions League Winner: Stigma
Aug - Dec 2018 UEFA Cup Winner: StuNick
182: Stigma
183: PoolKing
184: StuNick
185: Louis
186: Funk Butter
187: Funk Butter
188: Louis
189: aj4england
190: StuNick
191: Finbar
Jan - May 2019 Champions League Winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2019 UEFA Cup winner: Little Fozzie
Aug - Dec 2019 Champions League Winner:
Aug - Dec 2019 UEFA Cup Winner:
Rules are as follows
1 Every player has 200 points to bet with in the first round.
2 Each separate bet made is 10 points meaning players have 20 bets during the first 20 days. Maximum bet on a single market is 10 points, same rule applies for identical multis (basically no duplicate bets though you can do a team A, team B double on one bet and then add team C for a treble in another bet)
3 In the second round the 4* finalists all start by carrying forward 25% of their score from the first round added to the 150 points that can bet used in the second round. The person who qualifies for the final with the most points also gets an additional 10pt bet. (*if the number of participants gets to 16 or more, then a 5th finalist place will be added and then one more for every 5 players on top of that).
4 Betting Masters, first group stages runs from 0000 on the first of the month (standard UK time) to 2359hrs on the 20th of the month. Then the top four* posters come together in a mini league from there on until the end of the month.
Final bet settlement must occur before 2359 on the last day of the month.
5 Naturally the winner is the person with the highest score at the end of the last day of the month.
6 Scoring consists of total winnings and is inclusive of 10 point stake i.e. someone bets on a 6/4 horse and it wins their score becomes 25 (15 points profits plus the 10 pt stake) There is no score for any bets not used. Losing bets are scored as zero, not -10.
Any bet from an exchange bookie will have a 4% commission (on the winnings), if nothing else is explicitly stated in the post.
7 Players must quote where they're getting their prices.
8 Singles and upwards accepted.
9 For boxed multis and bets such as Yankees, each separate bet within the bet counts as separate and will cost 10pts per bet. e.g. ten trebles from five selections will use up 100 points.
10. E/W bets are counted as two bets in the masters, which means 10 points x 2
11. For tracking purposes, players are requested to put the outcome of their bets on the post for all events other than European soccer/tennis.
12. Where possible players are requested to put down a running total of their bets in their posts, although I'll also try and produce rolling league tables where possible.
13. After a bet has been posted up, one is not allowed to edit it..
14. The bets must be possible to do in real life, meaning for example that if you got a multi, all the odds have to come from 1 bookmaker. You cant shop around for the highest odds and put them together. "Special promotion" type bets are not allowed though BOG (Best Odds Guaranteed) are.
15. Bets must be placed at odds of 1/10 (or 1.1 in decimal) or higher
16. Any Draw No Bet bets where the result is a push will always have the bet settled as void, never 10pts. Any asian handicap bet where the result is a push (in full) will have the bet settled as void. Any asian handicap where half of the stake is returned will be marked down as 5pts with the remainder of the Asian handicap settled as a win or a loss (this is applicable for asian handicaps such as 2.25 or -2, -2.5 etc)
17. In the event that a player is not sure if their bet will finish in time, before midnight on the 20th or midnight for qualifying midnight on the final day of the month for the final, they can make a provisional bet or bets which then become actual bets only if their original selection(s) finishes at 12.01am or after
Order of Merit update after October.
PoolKing 52
Louis 46
Stigma 44
StuNick 39
Finbar 38
Funk Butter 38
3 Beers at HT 37
aj4england 15
Bellyman 7
kayjay 2
JamTheEagle 2
Previous winners:
1: el mico
2: three-way 0-0-0 final draw !!!(Plugster, late mail and odds against)
3: Finbar
4: Grim Reaper
5: EagleSE24
7: Stigma
8: Stigma
9: Stigma
10: Tor
11: Finbar
12: Finbar
13: old git
Overall best betting in 2004: Stigma
14. Reps AJ
15. bradley eagle
16. Tor
18. stevejfh
19. Tor
20. Finbar
21. Drunk eagle
22. Ozeagle
24. Wildcat Army
Overall best better in 2005: stevejfh
26: si1965
27: Ozeagle
28: srs9jps
29. si1965
30: hakers
31: Tor (WC '06)
32: srs9jps
33: NO1FAN
34: Drunk eagle
35: Stigma
36: Stigma
37: DedBallSpeshlst
Overall best better in 2006: Flat Noodle
39: Finbar
40: richdeniro
41: Stigma
Champions league winner 06/07: Ian Hart
UEFA Cup winner 06/07: Gav The Hamster
42: Finbar
43: Funk Butter
44: PoolKing
45: Funk Butter
46: Drunk Eagle
47: StuNick
48: Stigma
49: StuNick
Champions league winner 07/08-1: Finbar
UEFA Cup winner 07/08-1: Gav The Hamster
Overall best better in 2007: Finbar
50: GodstoneEagle
51: Funk Butter
52: Finbar
53: Funk Butter
55: Al From Bromley
56: Stigma
2008 Olympics: pauldrulez
57: pauldrulez
58: NO1FAN
59: Al From Bromley
60: Drunk Eagle
Overall best better in 2008: StuNick
61: StuNick
62: ardeo
63: Stigma
65: Finbar
66: No1Fan
67: Al From Bromley
68: Al From Bromley
69: Funk Butter
70: DedBallSpeshlst
71: Kayjay
72: Gooders
73: gjohnk
Overall best better in 2009: Funk Butter
74: Finbar
75: StuNick
76: DedBallSpeshlst
77: Swanny32
78: Funk Butter
79: Funk Butter
80: gjohnk
81: Finbar
82: MynamenisnotMax
83: No1Fan
84: gjohnk
85: Little Fozzie
World Cup 2010 winner: old git
Overall best better in 2010: ?????
86: Flat Noodle
87: Finbar
88: GodstoneEagle
89: Flat Noodle
90: mynameisnotmax
91: Louis
92: Funk Butter
93: gjohnk
94: DedBallSpeshlst
95: Stigma
96: cantspell
97: No1Fan
2011 Order of Merit Winner: Finbar
March 100th edition knockout special: Little Fozzie
Champions league winner 1st half 2011: Finbar
Champions league winner 2nd half 2011: StuNick
Jan - May UEFA Cup winner 2011: StuNick
Aug - Dec UEFA Cup winner 2011: Housey100
98: 3 Beers at HT
99: StuNick
100: cantspell
101: Funk Butter
102: Finbar
103: Swanny32
104: Funk Butter
105: Louis
106: srs9jps
107: Funk Butter
109: Funk Butter
2012 Order of Merit Winner: Funk Butter
August - Dec 2012 Champions League winner: Swanny32
August - Dec 2012 UEFA Cup winner: JamTheEagle
Jan - May 2012 Champions League winner: No1Fan
Jan - May 2012 UEFA Cup winner: Ian Hart
110: Louis
111: Louis
112: Gooders
113: Finbar
114: Little Fozzie
115: StuNick
116: Flat Noodle
117: Louis
118: evvo111
119: srs9jps
120: StuNick
2013 Order of Merit Winner: Louis
Jan - May 2013 Champions League Winner: Gooders
Jan - May 2013 UEFA Cup winner: Scoopster
Aug - Dec 2013 Champions League Winner: Little Fozzie
Aug - Dec 2013 UEFA Cup Winner: Stigma
122: No1Fan
123: PoolKing
125: 3 Beers at HT
126: Louis
127: Finbar
129: 3 Beers at HT
130: Finbar
131: Funk Butter
132: Stig
133: Louis
2014 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2014 Champions League Winner: Stigma
Jan - May 2014 UEFA Cup winner: Bellyman
Aug - Dec 2014 Champions League Winner: Ardeo
Aug - Dec 2014 UEFA Cup Winner: PoolKing
Winter Olympics 2014 Winner: srs9jps
134: Gooders
135: Finbar
136: 3 Beers at HT
137: Funk Butter
138: pfc
139: Gooders
140: Funk Butter
141: Louis
142: evvo111
143: pauldrulez
144: Louis
145: evvo111
2015 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2015 Champions League Winner: Funk Butter
Jan - May 2015 UEFA Cup winner: Flat Noodle
Aug - Dec 2015 Champions League Winner: PoolKing
Aug - Dec 2015 UEFA Cup Winner: Little Fozzie
146: Louis
147: PoolKing
148: Louis
149: evvo111
151: StuNick
152: 3 Beers at HT
153: evvo111
154: Finbar
155: 3 Beers at HT
156: Finbar
157: StuNick
2016 Order of Merit winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2016 Champions League Winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2016 UEFA Cup winner: Little Fozzie
Euros 2016 special winner: 3 Beers at HT
2016 Olympics Winner: Funk Butter
Aug - Dec 2016 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Aug - Dec 2016 UEFA Cup Winner: pfc
158: 3 Beers at HT
159: Stigma
160: Finbar
161: 3 Beers at HT
162: StuNick
163: Louis
164: Louis
165: PoolKing
166: Louis
167: Finbar
168: Kayjay
169: StuNick
2017 Order of Merit winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2017 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Jan - May 2017 UEFA Cup winner: Funk Butter
Aug - Dec 2017 Champions League Winner: StuNick
Aug - Dec 2017 UEFA Cup Winner: Louis
170: Louis
171: Finbar
172: Louis
173: Stigma
174: Finbar
175: Louis
176: Stigma
177: StuNick
178: Funk Butter
179: Stigma
180: Finbar
181: Funk Butter
2018 Order of Merit winner: Stigma
Jan - May 2018 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Jan - May 2018 UEFA Cup winner: eagles073
World Cup BM 2018: 3 Beers at HT
Aug - Dec 2018 Champions League Winner: Stigma
Aug - Dec 2018 UEFA Cup Winner: StuNick
182: Stigma
183: PoolKing
184: StuNick
185: Louis
186: Funk Butter
187: Funk Butter
188: Louis
189: aj4england
190: StuNick
191: Finbar
Jan - May 2019 Champions League Winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2019 UEFA Cup winner: Little Fozzie
Aug - Dec 2019 Champions League Winner:
Aug - Dec 2019 UEFA Cup Winner:
Rules are as follows
1 Every player has 200 points to bet with in the first round.
2 Each separate bet made is 10 points meaning players have 20 bets during the first 20 days. Maximum bet on a single market is 10 points, same rule applies for identical multis (basically no duplicate bets though you can do a team A, team B double on one bet and then add team C for a treble in another bet)
3 In the second round the 4* finalists all start by carrying forward 25% of their score from the first round added to the 150 points that can bet used in the second round. The person who qualifies for the final with the most points also gets an additional 10pt bet. (*if the number of participants gets to 16 or more, then a 5th finalist place will be added and then one more for every 5 players on top of that).
4 Betting Masters, first group stages runs from 0000 on the first of the month (standard UK time) to 2359hrs on the 20th of the month. Then the top four* posters come together in a mini league from there on until the end of the month.
Final bet settlement must occur before 2359 on the last day of the month.
5 Naturally the winner is the person with the highest score at the end of the last day of the month.
6 Scoring consists of total winnings and is inclusive of 10 point stake i.e. someone bets on a 6/4 horse and it wins their score becomes 25 (15 points profits plus the 10 pt stake) There is no score for any bets not used. Losing bets are scored as zero, not -10.
Any bet from an exchange bookie will have a 4% commission (on the winnings), if nothing else is explicitly stated in the post.
7 Players must quote where they're getting their prices.
8 Singles and upwards accepted.
9 For boxed multis and bets such as Yankees, each separate bet within the bet counts as separate and will cost 10pts per bet. e.g. ten trebles from five selections will use up 100 points.
10. E/W bets are counted as two bets in the masters, which means 10 points x 2
11. For tracking purposes, players are requested to put the outcome of their bets on the post for all events other than European soccer/tennis.
12. Where possible players are requested to put down a running total of their bets in their posts, although I'll also try and produce rolling league tables where possible.
13. After a bet has been posted up, one is not allowed to edit it..
14. The bets must be possible to do in real life, meaning for example that if you got a multi, all the odds have to come from 1 bookmaker. You cant shop around for the highest odds and put them together. "Special promotion" type bets are not allowed though BOG (Best Odds Guaranteed) are.
15. Bets must be placed at odds of 1/10 (or 1.1 in decimal) or higher
16. Any Draw No Bet bets where the result is a push will always have the bet settled as void, never 10pts. Any asian handicap bet where the result is a push (in full) will have the bet settled as void. Any asian handicap where half of the stake is returned will be marked down as 5pts with the remainder of the Asian handicap settled as a win or a loss (this is applicable for asian handicaps such as 2.25 or -2, -2.5 etc)
17. In the event that a player is not sure if their bet will finish in time, before midnight on the 20th or midnight for qualifying midnight on the final day of the month for the final, they can make a provisional bet or bets which then become actual bets only if their original selection(s) finishes at 12.01am or after
FREE Palace videos from the 90's and programmes (2010's)
I have about 20 Palace video tapes, most are season reviews and iconic games from the 90's with the Brighton 5-0 thrown in for good measure!
Also got around 20 home programmes from between 2010-12.
Free to anyone who can collect it from West Norwood
Also got around 20 home programmes from between 2010-12.
Free to anyone who can collect it from West Norwood
Live Com and Updates: Burnley V Crystal Palace
vendredi 29 novembre 2019

To view the link you have to Register or Login

To view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or LoginTo view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or LoginTo view the link you have to Register or Login
FA Cup: Maldon & Tiptree v Newport County
A little surprised that no one has started a thread already given that Ryan Inniss is playing for Newport. I can't say that he's been stand-out, sadly. :(
Currently 0-0.
Currently 0-0.
Future manager suggestion
If Arsenal appoint a new manager who wants to bring his own coaching staff, the highly rated Freddie Lundberg will be surplus to requirements.
We should take him on as Roy's assistant with a view to promoting him to manager in 18 months time when Roy retires. Has been excellent bring Arsenal's youngsters through to the first team squad.
We should take him on as Roy's assistant with a view to promoting him to manager in 18 months time when Roy retires. Has been excellent bring Arsenal's youngsters through to the first team squad.
Prohibited Items - Selhurst Park
Does anyone know what the prohibited items list is for the ground? I have looked on Google Maps at the Park Road stand but cannot make out the list even on zoom.
FYI my friend wants to bring in a microphone/small microphone stand into the Arthur Wait on Tuesday night for a choir project he is working on with some friends (don't ask).
FYI my friend wants to bring in a microphone/small microphone stand into the Arthur Wait on Tuesday night for a choir project he is working on with some friends (don't ask).
Crystal Ball v Burnley
I couldn't find a thread. If there is one and I've missed it - quite possible - please merge. But if not, predictions for score and attendance and scorers please
Palace xG, xGA and xPTS
I personally have found us to be pretty dire to watch this season (not every game, there have been exceptions). Looking at our data kind of shows why from an attacking point of view
Just checking out our xG stats and noticed that we are way below the average in the league. Only ourselves and Newcastle are creating so few good goal scoring chances:

This shows we have scored 11 goals and have an expected goals of 12.98 - so we are not taking our chances, but we are pretty close. However the xG of 12.98 is very low when compared to other teams.
In defence we fair a little better. We have an expected goals against of 21.84, but have in fact only conceded 18 goals so far.

This means out xPTS actually puts us just outside the bottom three, showing we have overachieved a little so far.
Just checking out our xG stats and noticed that we are way below the average in the league. Only ourselves and Newcastle are creating so few good goal scoring chances:

This shows we have scored 11 goals and have an expected goals of 12.98 - so we are not taking our chances, but we are pretty close. However the xG of 12.98 is very low when compared to other teams.
In defence we fair a little better. We have an expected goals against of 21.84, but have in fact only conceded 18 goals so far.

This means out xPTS actually puts us just outside the bottom three, showing we have overachieved a little so far.

Rumour: Andy Lyons right back
Crystal Palace have identified Irishman Andy Lyons as the solution to their right-back worries. The Eagles have been monitoring the 18-year-olds progress at League of Irelands Bohemians and are thought to be in tussle with Wolves and AFC Wimbledon to land the teenager.
Long term prospect but good to be looking at this market
Long term prospect but good to be looking at this market
Mouse dead in trap found in front garden
That's come from a neighbour either side, hasn't it? I'm struggling to think of a more mundane explanation.
Fox? He'd have eaten the mouse surely?
Also the trap and the mouse were bone dry and the rain has been biblical since yesterday. That's been moved out of a dry space and then put in my garden?
Anyone else had similar and it turned out not to be neighbours playing silly buggers?
Fox? He'd have eaten the mouse surely?
Also the trap and the mouse were bone dry and the rain has been biblical since yesterday. That's been moved out of a dry space and then put in my garden?
Anyone else had similar and it turned out not to be neighbours playing silly buggers?
Independent Financial Adviser
jeudi 28 novembre 2019
I have a couple of small pension funds left in the UK and I am ready to start taking a pension from them. Tying to deal with the company's directly is like pulling hen's teeth. They are very good at telling me what they can't do, but will not tell me what they can or will do. Does anyone have a recommendation for an IFA who works on a fee for service basis? Particularly welcome will be IFAs who have experience with non-residents.
FA Cup 3rd Round Draw
I believe third round draw is on Monday 7pm. Who do you fancy?
We haven't played Millwall for a while, proper and traditional rivals.
We haven't played Millwall for a while, proper and traditional rivals.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order
Anyone got this? I’ve seen unanimously good reviews, with some saying it’s one of the games of the year and others going less far, saying it has lots of flaws, but is still a fun time.
The Hundred
I am interested in the views of BBS cricket enthusiasts for To view the link you have to Register or Login - the new format which is due to begin next summer.
There is almost universal hostility amongst members of the MCC. I accept that the MCC is largely viewed as an elitist Club, comprised of predominant geriatric individuals (which is party true, I admit), but at the same time all Members share a love of Cricket and by and large want to see it develop and attract new enthusiasts. Yet, the prevailing view is that this abomination (sorry, I have probably let my own views become apparent there) seems to be at the expense of the County Championship; the Royal London One-Day Cup; and arguably Test Cricket.
Here's an article from To view the link you have to Register or Login which sums up my views quite well:
The Hundred the other side of the coin
Guest post by Annie Chave, who questions the England and Wales Cricket Boards (ECB) reasons for introducing The Hundred, a new extra-short form of cricket at the height of the 2020 season, and explains the Oppose The 100 campaign.
I have spent much of the last year trying to understand the reasons behind the ECBs addition of The Hundred to the already overcrowded cricketing calendar.
Ive questioned many at the ECB, including [CEO] Tom Harrison; Ive debated with Bumble [David Lloyd, the former England international player and coach, now a TV commentator] and with Bryan Henderson [head of cricket at Sky TV] Sky Televisions support for the new competition and, spurred on by many other fans of County Cricket, Ive openly expressed my point of view.
I joined James Buttler in the Oppose The 100 campaign (Ive worn the t-shirt) because we both felt that The Hundred would have a seriously detrimental effect on County Cricket, and we wanted to voice that fear.
The Oppose The 100 campaign has been both vigorously supported and angrily opposed. Weve been accused of forcing our opinion on others. Its too easy to forget the distinction between expressing an opinion and forcing it, but I recognise the concerns of advocates of The Hundred.
It has the potential, they argue, to reach an audience that County Cricket doesnt, and we are blinding ourselves to the positives that The Hundred may bring to a part of the population that is untouched (and perhaps untouchable) by County Cricket. In any case, money has now done the talking for the ECB. The Hundred will be the dominant focus of the English game over the summer of 2020.
In response, the Oppose The 100 team has changed its narrative: rather than lambasting The Hundred, we have decided to concentrate on celebrating County Cricket by producing a magazine called County Matters. Our aim is to feature and highlight the current forms of first-class cricket in the light of the threats to it from The Hundred.
My own concern is clearly for the longer forms of the game, threatened as they are by the unilaterally declared scheduling for 2019. Despite some disingenuousness in the utterances of the ECB, the County Championship has been clipped to the fringes of summer over the last few years, but the calendar for 2020 will outfringe the fringes, like Claudia Winkleman replacing Audrey Hepburn.
There will be no red-ball cricket outside of the Test arena for 40 days at the height of summer, precisely when the days are longest and the weather best suited to leisure hours outdoors. With games scheduled at both margins of summer, the County Championship will be structurally disjointed, with a consequent further decline in public interest likely. No wonder Ashley Giles [ECB director of cricket] has already suggested that the County Championship should run alongside The Hundred in 2021 (presumably without those top players who will have sold their bodies to The Hundred).
[Cricket journalist] Huw Turbervill has recently suggested that observing the treatment of the County Championship is like watching a beloved pet suffer an agonising death. This is what I want to fight and where I fear the knife of The Hundred may cut the deepest. Id like to see this beloved pet revived with some real care and the appropriate medicine: something to build on its legacy.
White-ball cricket was brought in as an adjunct, and, whilst there is no denying now that it has its place, have we become too greedy for the quick fix and the easier revenue it provides? When money is the controlling factor, it is hard to incentivise Counties to get behind the Championship. There needs to be fresh life breathed into its neglected body with a recognition that it is a competition that gives real credence to the skills involved in Test cricket.
We are close to the point at which red-ball cricket even at Test level will be sacrificed to the gods of the big bash. For most players, it doesnt provide the opportunities to earn life-changing wages. Its already worth wondering why, as a developing player, you would aspire to anything other than white-ball cricket. If, through The Hundred, we prioritise city-based teams and an IPL- [Indian Premier League] inspired competition in this country, we risk diminishing public interest in Test cricket.
Over a comparatively short time, the game could be identified exclusively with its shorter formats, more to appease television moguls than fans. It may be that the ECB and the counties share the blame for not taking the Championship seriously enough, for relegating it to weekdays and to out grounds during the season and for prioritising the fast buck of the short form.
Look at the budget the ECB set aside to advertise The Hundred to see where their allegiance is. If they took the time and the care to market the County game to children, and to forge relationships with communities and minorities, then we wouldnt be needing to create a format that is the very antithesis of County cricket and, as [cricket journalist] George Dobell quite rightly points out, is brought out in direct competition to its own sport. What governing body (other than a Cabinet of Cannibals) does this to itself?
Annie Chave is a Guerilla Cricket commentator and cricket writer. She is a Somerset County Cricket Member and secretary for The Erratics Cricket Club in Exeter
Do you agree with this? Will you be watching the Hundred next year and if so, will you be supporting one of the Teams?
There is almost universal hostility amongst members of the MCC. I accept that the MCC is largely viewed as an elitist Club, comprised of predominant geriatric individuals (which is party true, I admit), but at the same time all Members share a love of Cricket and by and large want to see it develop and attract new enthusiasts. Yet, the prevailing view is that this abomination (sorry, I have probably let my own views become apparent there) seems to be at the expense of the County Championship; the Royal London One-Day Cup; and arguably Test Cricket.
Here's an article from To view the link you have to Register or Login which sums up my views quite well:
The Hundred the other side of the coin
Guest post by Annie Chave, who questions the England and Wales Cricket Boards (ECB) reasons for introducing The Hundred, a new extra-short form of cricket at the height of the 2020 season, and explains the Oppose The 100 campaign.
I have spent much of the last year trying to understand the reasons behind the ECBs addition of The Hundred to the already overcrowded cricketing calendar.
Ive questioned many at the ECB, including [CEO] Tom Harrison; Ive debated with Bumble [David Lloyd, the former England international player and coach, now a TV commentator] and with Bryan Henderson [head of cricket at Sky TV] Sky Televisions support for the new competition and, spurred on by many other fans of County Cricket, Ive openly expressed my point of view.
I joined James Buttler in the Oppose The 100 campaign (Ive worn the t-shirt) because we both felt that The Hundred would have a seriously detrimental effect on County Cricket, and we wanted to voice that fear.
The Oppose The 100 campaign has been both vigorously supported and angrily opposed. Weve been accused of forcing our opinion on others. Its too easy to forget the distinction between expressing an opinion and forcing it, but I recognise the concerns of advocates of The Hundred.
It has the potential, they argue, to reach an audience that County Cricket doesnt, and we are blinding ourselves to the positives that The Hundred may bring to a part of the population that is untouched (and perhaps untouchable) by County Cricket. In any case, money has now done the talking for the ECB. The Hundred will be the dominant focus of the English game over the summer of 2020.
In response, the Oppose The 100 team has changed its narrative: rather than lambasting The Hundred, we have decided to concentrate on celebrating County Cricket by producing a magazine called County Matters. Our aim is to feature and highlight the current forms of first-class cricket in the light of the threats to it from The Hundred.
My own concern is clearly for the longer forms of the game, threatened as they are by the unilaterally declared scheduling for 2019. Despite some disingenuousness in the utterances of the ECB, the County Championship has been clipped to the fringes of summer over the last few years, but the calendar for 2020 will outfringe the fringes, like Claudia Winkleman replacing Audrey Hepburn.
There will be no red-ball cricket outside of the Test arena for 40 days at the height of summer, precisely when the days are longest and the weather best suited to leisure hours outdoors. With games scheduled at both margins of summer, the County Championship will be structurally disjointed, with a consequent further decline in public interest likely. No wonder Ashley Giles [ECB director of cricket] has already suggested that the County Championship should run alongside The Hundred in 2021 (presumably without those top players who will have sold their bodies to The Hundred).
[Cricket journalist] Huw Turbervill has recently suggested that observing the treatment of the County Championship is like watching a beloved pet suffer an agonising death. This is what I want to fight and where I fear the knife of The Hundred may cut the deepest. Id like to see this beloved pet revived with some real care and the appropriate medicine: something to build on its legacy.
White-ball cricket was brought in as an adjunct, and, whilst there is no denying now that it has its place, have we become too greedy for the quick fix and the easier revenue it provides? When money is the controlling factor, it is hard to incentivise Counties to get behind the Championship. There needs to be fresh life breathed into its neglected body with a recognition that it is a competition that gives real credence to the skills involved in Test cricket.
We are close to the point at which red-ball cricket even at Test level will be sacrificed to the gods of the big bash. For most players, it doesnt provide the opportunities to earn life-changing wages. Its already worth wondering why, as a developing player, you would aspire to anything other than white-ball cricket. If, through The Hundred, we prioritise city-based teams and an IPL- [Indian Premier League] inspired competition in this country, we risk diminishing public interest in Test cricket.
Over a comparatively short time, the game could be identified exclusively with its shorter formats, more to appease television moguls than fans. It may be that the ECB and the counties share the blame for not taking the Championship seriously enough, for relegating it to weekdays and to out grounds during the season and for prioritising the fast buck of the short form.
Look at the budget the ECB set aside to advertise The Hundred to see where their allegiance is. If they took the time and the care to market the County game to children, and to forge relationships with communities and minorities, then we wouldnt be needing to create a format that is the very antithesis of County cricket and, as [cricket journalist] George Dobell quite rightly points out, is brought out in direct competition to its own sport. What governing body (other than a Cabinet of Cannibals) does this to itself?
Annie Chave is a Guerilla Cricket commentator and cricket writer. She is a Somerset County Cricket Member and secretary for The Erratics Cricket Club in Exeter
Do you agree with this? Will you be watching the Hundred next year and if so, will you be supporting one of the Teams?
Palace Team of the Decade - Right Back
Inspired by Baffled Bobs thread in Memory Lane and by Woosies Athletic article. This is the BBS Team of the Decade, as voted by you.
Theres question marks over how people should vote: It could be your favourite player, the player you think was best, the biggest impact, longevity etc. I think it should be down to you.
The time frame includes the second half of the 2009-2010 season (Hillsborough) all the way through to the first half of this season. Votes should only be cast based on this decade. For example if players played in both this and the last decade, base your decision on what they did in this one.
Formation is 4-2-3-1. There shall be players who will feature in multiple polls due to their versatility or just the fact they changed position during their career.
The goalkeeper vote has been very clear, so Im going to start on the next poll which is right back, if you want to vote on the goalkeeper of the decade you can do so here: To view the link you have to Register or Login
The right back vote will have a little more debate I think, could be two, potentially three players with a chance in this.
Theres question marks over how people should vote: It could be your favourite player, the player you think was best, the biggest impact, longevity etc. I think it should be down to you.
The time frame includes the second half of the 2009-2010 season (Hillsborough) all the way through to the first half of this season. Votes should only be cast based on this decade. For example if players played in both this and the last decade, base your decision on what they did in this one.
Formation is 4-2-3-1. There shall be players who will feature in multiple polls due to their versatility or just the fact they changed position during their career.
The goalkeeper vote has been very clear, so Im going to start on the next poll which is right back, if you want to vote on the goalkeeper of the decade you can do so here: To view the link you have to Register or Login
The right back vote will have a little more debate I think, could be two, potentially three players with a chance in this.
Discussion: Jarrod Bowen
Not sure why old thread was closed ?
Such an exciting player full of energy and direct . Can play wide and inside forward type of role . Out of contract end of season , young but experienced - a player I have wanted to come to Palace for couple of years
2 more on Saturday, the first was a corker
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Scored again tonight
Such an exciting player full of energy and direct . Can play wide and inside forward type of role . Out of contract end of season , young but experienced - a player I have wanted to come to Palace for couple of years
2 more on Saturday, the first was a corker
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Scored again tonight
RIP Clive James
Lasted a lot longer than he expected to....wonderful film critic & writer. Nice line in lyrics as well with Pete Atkin.
Palace Team of the Decade - Goalkeeper
Inspired by Baffled Bobs thread in Memory Lane and by Woosies Athletic article. This is the BBS Team of the Decade, as voted by you. I vaguely remember something like this happening last decade; I cant remember who made it, but if they want to do it, theyre more than welcome to take over. :p
Theres question marks over how people should vote: It could be your favourite player, the player you think was best, the biggest impact, longevity etc. I think it should be down to you.
The time frame includes the second half of the 2009-2010 season (Hillsborough) all the way through to the first half of this season. Votes should only be cast based on this decade. For example if players played in both this and the last decade, base your decision on what they did in this one.
Formation is 4-2-3-1. There shall be players who will feature in multiple polls due to their versatility or just the fact they changed position during their career.
First up is Goalkeepers. Over the last 10 years, we have been fairly consistent with goalkeepers, there has not been much chopping and changing compared to other teams. Regardless, itll be a fairly simple vote I think!
Theres question marks over how people should vote: It could be your favourite player, the player you think was best, the biggest impact, longevity etc. I think it should be down to you.
The time frame includes the second half of the 2009-2010 season (Hillsborough) all the way through to the first half of this season. Votes should only be cast based on this decade. For example if players played in both this and the last decade, base your decision on what they did in this one.
Formation is 4-2-3-1. There shall be players who will feature in multiple polls due to their versatility or just the fact they changed position during their career.
First up is Goalkeepers. Over the last 10 years, we have been fairly consistent with goalkeepers, there has not been much chopping and changing compared to other teams. Regardless, itll be a fairly simple vote I think!
Rumour: Alessandro Tripaldelli
Match Updates: Nov 26/27/28 Champions League, Europa League etc.
mardi 26 novembre 2019
I'm in Madrid for work & a colleague has (apparently) snaffled two tickets for tonight's Champions League game vs PSG. Not been to a game abroad or a Champions League game before so quite looking forward to it!
Plus it means I don't have to go out for dinner with the rest of the dickheads in the team!
Plus it means I don't have to go out for dinner with the rest of the dickheads in the team!
Palace Team of the Decade
Bit of pre Christmas fun. The rules are:
1) Any Palace player who's played at least one game since 1st January, 2010
2) Any formation you like.
3) That's it...
My team:
Ward Dann Sakho Wan-Bissaka
Zaha Ambrose Jedinak Puncheon Bolasie
I know I've put two right backs in. But I made the rules...
1) Any Palace player who's played at least one game since 1st January, 2010
2) Any formation you like.
3) That's it...
My team:
Ward Dann Sakho Wan-Bissaka
Zaha Ambrose Jedinak Puncheon Bolasie
I know I've put two right backs in. But I made the rules...
Next 8 games
When we did the poll for the previous 6 games from hell, the most votes were for 4pts and so correct.
Lets see if the BBS can do it again - no pressure.
A: Burnley
H: Bournemouth
A: Watford
H: Brighton
A: Newcastle
H: West Ham
A: Southampton
A: Norwich
Lets see if the BBS can do it again - no pressure.
A: Burnley
H: Bournemouth
A: Watford
H: Brighton
A: Newcastle
H: West Ham
A: Southampton
A: Norwich
Discussion: Ollie Watkins
lundi 25 novembre 2019
Read a few comments on here that he may lack the pace for Premier League . Watched the match against Reading at the weekend , he looked strong , mobile , good vision and an eye for goal . He might not have lightning pace but looked quite quick to me . If we could add Watkins , Bowen and a right back to our squad , I feel they would excellent additions and young with experience .
Under 23s
With the games behind a paywall on I'm not sure if match threads will get that much traction (I would have a moan except I've gone and gotten myself a full time job so wouldn't normally be able to watch anyway)
Anyway, playing Millwall today, Sakho, Wickham and Riedewald start.
Currently 1-0 to Palace
Anyway, playing Millwall today, Sakho, Wickham and Riedewald start.
Currently 1-0 to Palace
Elaine's fundraiser- please take time to read :)
dimanche 24 novembre 2019
Hello guys! A much loved close friend of the family and a Crystal Palace girl through and through has had a very bad diagnosis regarding her health from an awful disease we all know and hate! Her bestfriend (Brenda) has been kind enough to set up a fundraiser in her name to make her comfortable as possible in fighting it. If you could donate anything, it would mean the world to all of us!
Anyway enough talk from me I will post the information below along with the link to the fundraiser. Many thanks and much love to you all x
My oldest and dearest friend (52 years) was diagnosed with a non operable bowel cancer last week - they are not able to give her chemo and so she waits to see next week if she is suitable for a trial with a group of oncologists at a large London Teaching Hospital. Elaine has had a career working with teenagers with special needs and is an asset at her college. She has given so much to everyone and never asks for help from anyone. Elaine’s son is profoundly deaf and has recently started working at the same college. - The reason I am trying to raise money is that her home has many problems which will have a major impact on her medical condition. Her boiler is on its last legs and her hall and bedroom are very damp with wet walls - I am trying to raise money to get a new boiler, sort the damp problem out, decorate, flooring for the hall and bathroom - I think probably £5000 to £6000 - I have never asked for money like this and I know my friend has not - she is just starting a horrible journey and she needs a warm dry home to help her recovery. I have already contributed by paying for a plumber to sort her radiators out by flushing them through (£250) - which is required prior to any boiler replacement (approx £2,500 to £3,000 itself) - I would do more financially if I could but I know we need help. I would like to thank you for reading my fundraising page and thank you for any contributions you are able to give
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Any donations and shares very appreciated :)
Anyway enough talk from me I will post the information below along with the link to the fundraiser. Many thanks and much love to you all x
My oldest and dearest friend (52 years) was diagnosed with a non operable bowel cancer last week - they are not able to give her chemo and so she waits to see next week if she is suitable for a trial with a group of oncologists at a large London Teaching Hospital. Elaine has had a career working with teenagers with special needs and is an asset at her college. She has given so much to everyone and never asks for help from anyone. Elaine’s son is profoundly deaf and has recently started working at the same college. - The reason I am trying to raise money is that her home has many problems which will have a major impact on her medical condition. Her boiler is on its last legs and her hall and bedroom are very damp with wet walls - I am trying to raise money to get a new boiler, sort the damp problem out, decorate, flooring for the hall and bathroom - I think probably £5000 to £6000 - I have never asked for money like this and I know my friend has not - she is just starting a horrible journey and she needs a warm dry home to help her recovery. I have already contributed by paying for a plumber to sort her radiators out by flushing them through (£250) - which is required prior to any boiler replacement (approx £2,500 to £3,000 itself) - I would do more financially if I could but I know we need help. I would like to thank you for reading my fundraising page and thank you for any contributions you are able to give
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Any donations and shares very appreciated :)
The Widow - filmed in south London?
Anyone watch the ITV drama, the widow?
Its based in Congo but includes this
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Its based in Congo but includes this
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Suggestion: Aaron Wan-Bissaka
Looks like a promising player. His team are about to be relegated under a rookie manager. Could we make a move in January to bolster our Europa League push?
Nicola Sturgeon policies
I would struggle to get any kind of wood with wee jimmy krankie (let's get the obvious out the way)
Her policies ATM seem very self-harming to Scotland. IF the Scots go for independence. they would not get any assistance from England/Wales/NI.
Their latest policy is to get rid of Trident. Very applaudible on a moralistic level, however, it is not just about submarines and nuclear weapons and the employment of UK sailors
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It goes into local shops and services, and would massively impact Scotland's fragile economy.
North Sea oil is also a big bone of contention, with all the associated service industries, and the fact a chunk of profits go to UK central Government
The next major industry for Scotland is fishing. Independence would see them staying within the EU and giving up their fishing waters.
I am thinking her political ambition is overtaking rational thought as to what is best for Scotland
Her policies ATM seem very self-harming to Scotland. IF the Scots go for independence. they would not get any assistance from England/Wales/NI.
Their latest policy is to get rid of Trident. Very applaudible on a moralistic level, however, it is not just about submarines and nuclear weapons and the employment of UK sailors
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It goes into local shops and services, and would massively impact Scotland's fragile economy.
North Sea oil is also a big bone of contention, with all the associated service industries, and the fact a chunk of profits go to UK central Government
The next major industry for Scotland is fishing. Independence would see them staying within the EU and giving up their fishing waters.
I am thinking her political ambition is overtaking rational thought as to what is best for Scotland
Crowd Cube investments
Anyone else invested on any start ups via this?
I happened to come across Cazana when they went for a round of funding. Seemed like a good idea and purchased a few for me and the kids. So far so good. They were over subscribed. They are slightly ahead of business plan, and achieved all the things they set out to do.
I have also bought a few Graphine Composites, that looks a good opp.
We are talking evening meal levels of investment :)
It made me wonder if there are other gems out there and how other BBS'rs have fared.
I happened to come across Cazana when they went for a round of funding. Seemed like a good idea and purchased a few for me and the kids. So far so good. They were over subscribed. They are slightly ahead of business plan, and achieved all the things they set out to do.
I have also bought a few Graphine Composites, that looks a good opp.
We are talking evening meal levels of investment :)
It made me wonder if there are other gems out there and how other BBS'rs have fared.
Suggested Team and Formation For: Burnley (away)
Assuming Ward and Tomkins (who should start if fit) are out. Just one change to the front 6. Benteke deserves a go against a big physical Burnley side for his defensive contribution as much as anything else. Flowing with confidence, he's the man in form. Ayew will be such a great sub to bring on to add energy when defending a lead. Same goes for Schlupp. COYP.
Assuming Ward and Tomkins (who should start if fit) are out. Just one change to the front 6. Benteke deserves a go against a big physical Burnley side for his defensive contribution as much as anything else. Flowing with confidence, he's the man in form. Ayew will be such a great sub to bring on to add energy when defending a lead. Same goes for Schlupp. COYP.
samedi 23 novembre 2019
Firstly I think overall this season we have got more points with VAR than if it had not been there but of course today I think it dreadful for disallowing our goal.
My problem is not that there was a foul nor even if this would have a made a difference for the goal but two other points.
1. How far back should play be looked at to have a goal disallowed ?
2. If we are going to look for fouls like this when a goal has been scored should we look for fouls for a penalty at every corner ? The push that Ayew did was no worse than a defender usually does at each and every corner, so if a defender had been spotted doing the same push a penalty should have been given right ?
My problem is not that there was a foul nor even if this would have a made a difference for the goal but two other points.
1. How far back should play be looked at to have a goal disallowed ?
2. If we are going to look for fouls like this when a goal has been scored should we look for fouls for a penalty at every corner ? The push that Ayew did was no worse than a defender usually does at each and every corner, so if a defender had been spotted doing the same push a penalty should have been given right ?
Meeting your idol - how much would you pay?
On the back of the story where Only Fools and Horses fans are being charged to meet David Jason, how much would you pay to meet someone famous you admire?
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There are a few musicians I would probably pay good money to have a pint or meal with but not sure how much I would be willing to pay. Being strapped for cash, I still think I would seriously consider a grand for an hour in the company of one of the remaining Beatles although Mrs Bubbs would probably have something to say about that.
So, any other sycophants out there who would spend big to touch the hem of the garment of one of your idols?
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There are a few musicians I would probably pay good money to have a pint or meal with but not sure how much I would be willing to pay. Being strapped for cash, I still think I would seriously consider a grand for an hour in the company of one of the remaining Beatles although Mrs Bubbs would probably have something to say about that.
So, any other sycophants out there who would spend big to touch the hem of the garment of one of your idols?
Match Updates: Nov 23/24/25
Kicks off at 12:30
West Ham v Spurs
Probably the worst game West Ham couldve had as the Spurs mercenaries will be out to impress their new daddy.
West Ham v Spurs
Probably the worst game West Ham couldve had as the Spurs mercenaries will be out to impress their new daddy.
Live Com and Updates: Crystal Palace V Liverpool
vendredi 22 novembre 2019

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To view the link you have to Register or LoginTo view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or LoginTo view the link you have to Register or Login
Moving back south. Sidcup or Eltham?
I'm looking for some advice from the wise sages on here. Any thoughts welcome.
After 35 years away, we are planning on moving back to South London. Kids have left home and our work and leisure time is spent in and around the capital. Main criteria are less than 20 minutes train into London Bridge for me, 45 minutes car journey to Romford for my wife, easily accessible to South Coast. We're looking for somewhere reasonably leafy, near to good range of local shops and with a good choice of period houses (Victorian to 30s) with garden, off street parking.
We've been looking a while and have narrowed our choice to Sidcup or Eltham. Any views of people who live/have lived there would be welcome. Any other options? Are we mad?
After 35 years away, we are planning on moving back to South London. Kids have left home and our work and leisure time is spent in and around the capital. Main criteria are less than 20 minutes train into London Bridge for me, 45 minutes car journey to Romford for my wife, easily accessible to South Coast. We're looking for somewhere reasonably leafy, near to good range of local shops and with a good choice of period houses (Victorian to 30s) with garden, off street parking.
We've been looking a while and have narrowed our choice to Sidcup or Eltham. Any views of people who live/have lived there would be welcome. Any other options? Are we mad?
Quoting >1 posts in a reply
Hi there
I can easily quote a single previous post when posting a reply. How can I quote two different posts in the same reply?
I can easily quote a single previous post when posting a reply. How can I quote two different posts in the same reply?
How does one utilise the search function on an iPad?
The fact is I want to get some advice on GOING ON HOLIDAY to Berlin for a few days.... I dont want to start a new thread if theres one already but I dont know how to search the site for specific threads.
Can any help?
Can any help?
Careers advice
I was made redundant nearly 2 months ago now. I found myself another job immediately (I started straight after leaving my old job) which I thought would be great, but it is not. Let's just leave it there :)
My issue is that I have zero idea on what to do. I have some money that could be used to set up a business but every idea I have has some serious downsides and/or risks. I know that's the case with most businesses, but I don't think it's a risk I am willing to take.
Do careers advisors still exist, and if so are they actually worth the bother? The one I spoke to at school wasnt much help, and 16 years later I am still utterly confused :D
My issue is that I have zero idea on what to do. I have some money that could be used to set up a business but every idea I have has some serious downsides and/or risks. I know that's the case with most businesses, but I don't think it's a risk I am willing to take.
Do careers advisors still exist, and if so are they actually worth the bother? The one I spoke to at school wasnt much help, and 16 years later I am still utterly confused :D
Pubs in Bath showing the Liverpool game
Going to Bath for the weekend. Any recommendations on where I can watch the game?
Wetherspoons Bromley banana
mercredi 20 novembre 2019
It may be one lone horrible person or more, but so sad. Could no one have flagged it up by staff?
Travel Information: vs. Liverpool - Saturday 23rd November
I'll do a full update later on. But, Norwood Junction will be closed post-game this Saturday.
mardi 19 novembre 2019
Why not? With our goal machine back in fine form.
Goalkeeper and back four pick itself
Ward- Kelly- Cahill- PVA
Luka Mccarthy/Mcathur
Wilf- Ayew Townsend/Mcathur
I would really like to see this team, against sides we should really be having a go against. Ayew can play that Chamakh role. Perfect balance of creativity and a defensive unit.
Goalkeeper and back four pick itself
Ward- Kelly- Cahill- PVA
Luka Mccarthy/Mcathur
Wilf- Ayew Townsend/Mcathur
I would really like to see this team, against sides we should really be having a go against. Ayew can play that Chamakh role. Perfect balance of creativity and a defensive unit.
Football Manager 2020
Did the annual not buying it...not buying it...oh go on then last night. Doesnt seem overly different so far but am enjoying it nonetheless. One difference is that Palace start with a healthy transfer budget for a change (£30m) so its nice to sign some players!
Have so far sold Sakho and Wickham and brought in Kevin Malcuit on a cheap loan from Napoli, Scott McKenna, Jarrod Bowen and Odsonne Edouard. Still got a healthy amount left over so will try and get Kalvin Philips in Jan as well. First game was a 3-1 win against Norwich.
Hows everyone else getting on so far?
Have so far sold Sakho and Wickham and brought in Kevin Malcuit on a cheap loan from Napoli, Scott McKenna, Jarrod Bowen and Odsonne Edouard. Still got a healthy amount left over so will try and get Kalvin Philips in Jan as well. First game was a 3-1 win against Norwich.
Hows everyone else getting on so far?
Develop Croydon
Gathering at the Fairfield Halls today.
Looks like there are still no signs of movement for Westfield.
What do people think about 101 George Street, the massive green modular block that is going up? I drove past it for the first time in ages and I was shocked at what an eye sore it is. Or did I just catch it in a bad light?
Looks like there are still no signs of movement for Westfield.
What do people think about 101 George Street, the massive green modular block that is going up? I drove past it for the first time in ages and I was shocked at what an eye sore it is. Or did I just catch it in a bad light?
Televised Election Debates
First one tonight.
Consensus is that Boris just needs to play it safe, jab and shield, but take no risks, whereas Corbyn the challenger needs to get in a few big blows and rock the title holder.
Other bouts coming up...
Sky News general election debate, Thursday Nov 28, TBC (Sky News).
The BBC Election Debate, Friday Nov 29, TBC (BBC).
The BBC Prime Ministerial Debate, Friday Nov 6, TBC (BBC).
Consensus is that Boris just needs to play it safe, jab and shield, but take no risks, whereas Corbyn the challenger needs to get in a few big blows and rock the title holder.
Other bouts coming up...
Sky News general election debate, Thursday Nov 28, TBC (Sky News).
The BBC Election Debate, Friday Nov 29, TBC (BBC).
The BBC Prime Ministerial Debate, Friday Nov 6, TBC (BBC).
LIVI app
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Do you see a quack at your local surgery or is it any doctor in the world?
Is a real person or an actor with a flow chart.
Do you get appointments straight away or have to wait 2 weeks like normal.
How would Amazon do doctoring.
Can it grease your piles on line.
Do you see a quack at your local surgery or is it any doctor in the world?
Is a real person or an actor with a flow chart.
Do you get appointments straight away or have to wait 2 weeks like normal.
How would Amazon do doctoring.
Can it grease your piles on line.
Mid point election campaign voting poll
Ill do one more in the week before.
But interesting to see if there has been any changes.
But interesting to see if there has been any changes.
Bournemouth (h) Tuesday 3rd December 7:30pm Live on Amazon Prime
On general sale, no membership required, 10 per person.
We will win the euros
Qualified with ease.
Pace running through the team.
Kane on fire.
It's coming home.
Pace running through the team.
Kane on fire.
It's coming home.
Match Updates: Kosovo v England
Last game in Group A.
Kick off 17:00
Live on ITV
England: Pope, Alexander-Arnold, Chilwell, Rice, Maguire, Mings, Winks, Sterling, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Kane, Hudson-Odoi
Kosovo: Muric, Hadergjonaj, Aliti, Rashica, Celina, Rrahmani, Berisha, Vojvoda, Kololli, Dresevic, Nuhiu
Kick off 17:00
Live on ITV
England: Pope, Alexander-Arnold, Chilwell, Rice, Maguire, Mings, Winks, Sterling, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Kane, Hudson-Odoi
Kosovo: Muric, Hadergjonaj, Aliti, Rashica, Celina, Rrahmani, Berisha, Vojvoda, Kololli, Dresevic, Nuhiu
Russian interference in British politics
The tory government are sitting on the report for which there is no reason why it cannot be released. It has been cleared by the security services.
Why has it not been released?
Mark Francois, in an interview with Eddie Mair, has tacitly admitted that it is damaging to the tories. He said that Dominic Grieve wants the report released because he has it in for the tory party. See here from 41:15.
Why has it not been released?
Mark Francois, in an interview with Eddie Mair, has tacitly admitted that it is damaging to the tories. He said that Dominic Grieve wants the report released because he has it in for the tory party. See here from 41:15.
Rumour: Christian Kouame (Injured - Not happening?)
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First I had heard of this, apparently we were set to sign Genoa Forward / Winger Christian Kouame in January, but he has torn his ACL on international duty for Ivory Coast so the deal must be off?
A bloody shame if true, he has looked very decent whenever I have seen him for Genoa, and he is young too.
First I had heard of this, apparently we were set to sign Genoa Forward / Winger Christian Kouame in January, but he has torn his ACL on international duty for Ivory Coast so the deal must be off?
A bloody shame if true, he has looked very decent whenever I have seen him for Genoa, and he is young too.
Australia Meet up
vendredi 15 novembre 2019
Fans from allover Oz are converging on Perth next weekend for this year's CPFC Australia National meet up. If you are living in or visiting Perth, come on down!
Friday 22/11 - Welcome drinks @ Reveley bar, Elizabeth Quay from 7.00pm
Saturday 23/11 - Edgecombe winery, 1733 Gnangara Rd, Henley Brook (Cnr West Swan Rd) 11.30-2.30pm
Perth Glory V Sydney FC, HBF Park, kick off 6.45pm
Saturday 23/11 - Crystal Palace V Liverpool, kick off 11.00pm @ Patriots bar, Brass Monkey Hotel (Cnr James & William St)
Sunday 24/11 - Farewell (survivors) Breakfast/brunch @ Blasta Brewing, 84/88 Goodwood Parade, Burswood
Friday 22/11 - Welcome drinks @ Reveley bar, Elizabeth Quay from 7.00pm
Saturday 23/11 - Edgecombe winery, 1733 Gnangara Rd, Henley Brook (Cnr West Swan Rd) 11.30-2.30pm
Perth Glory V Sydney FC, HBF Park, kick off 6.45pm
Saturday 23/11 - Crystal Palace V Liverpool, kick off 11.00pm @ Patriots bar, Brass Monkey Hotel (Cnr James & William St)
Sunday 24/11 - Farewell (survivors) Breakfast/brunch @ Blasta Brewing, 84/88 Goodwood Parade, Burswood
Match Ticket Information: Man City away tickets - 18th January 2020
On sale now to away season ticket holders
Middle tier blocks are showing on the plan, but are greyed out - Lower tier only currently on sale
Middle tier blocks are showing on the plan, but are greyed out - Lower tier only currently on sale
Match Ticket Information: Norwich away tickets - 1st January 2020 (17.30 ko)
On sale now to away season ticket holders
Neil Ashton Column
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In Neil Ashtons (Sun Newspaper) column about Mark Bright book.
Neil says Mark Bright would not remember this and neither do I. I can remember watching the games from the Arthur Waite stand during that period and I cannot recall any racist shouting from the Palace supporters towards any black footballers.
Is just me that has got this wrong. Appreciate any feedback.
In Neil Ashtons (Sun Newspaper) column about Mark Bright book.
Neil says Mark Bright would not remember this and neither do I. I can remember watching the games from the Arthur Waite stand during that period and I cannot recall any racist shouting from the Palace supporters towards any black footballers.
Is just me that has got this wrong. Appreciate any feedback.
Car part query
Hello - if someone can name this car part please . The one on the other side of the Saab fell off and is lost .
Match Updates: England v Montenegro
England's 1,000th international
Group A
Kick off 19:45
Live on ITV

England will qualify for Euro 2020 with a point. England will also qualify if Czech Republic beat Kosovo in tonight's other game in the group.
Group A
Kick off 19:45
Live on ITV

England will qualify for Euro 2020 with a point. England will also qualify if Czech Republic beat Kosovo in tonight's other game in the group.
Tweeting Youtube videos...
I want to embed videos direct into a tweet?
Anyone know how to do this on an android phone?
Anyone know how to do this on an android phone?
Find all messages by...
mercredi 13 novembre 2019
If I try this on my profile I get an error. Doesn't seem to happen on everyone's though.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Wanksock found on plane
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A film producer flying premium economy with British Airways claims she was greeted with a filthy seat and someone's old sock.
A film producer flying premium economy with British Airways claims she was greeted with a filthy seat and someone's old sock.
What if Red Bull came in?
Changed our name and nickname but invested into the team and ground and we won the league .... would be happy or never go again?
Thought they were after a London club?
Thought they were after a London club?
Hawkwind at the Royal Albert Hall
I've got 3 tickets going at below face value if anyone wants them. 26th November
1 single and two next to each other
1 single and two next to each other
The effect of biased (reporting of) Polls
This is interesting:
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Since I seem to be barred from the Politics Forum, I'll stick it here.
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Since I seem to be barred from the Politics Forum, I'll stick it here.
Second bottom of Premier 'Green' League
Not doing so well in this league - only our friends Watford below us. To view the link you have to Register or Login
Some.of it relates to difficulty introducing new technology into a crumbling old stadium (e.g. solar on stand roofs), other is just lack of interest (e.g. waste reduction, recycling, energy management). We should at least do OK on transport as so many come to stadium by public transport.
Some.of it relates to difficulty introducing new technology into a crumbling old stadium (e.g. solar on stand roofs), other is just lack of interest (e.g. waste reduction, recycling, energy management). We should at least do OK on transport as so many come to stadium by public transport.
Rumour: Dominik Grief
Good Grief- another bleedin keeper..
Mail reckon us and the weeds after the Slovak keeper following Bratislava's game at Wolves, with Dean Kiely in attendance.
Only 22, so maybe one for the future
Mail reckon us and the weeds after the Slovak keeper following Bratislava's game at Wolves, with Dean Kiely in attendance.
Only 22, so maybe one for the future
Spoiler: The Mandalorian (with spoilers as episodes show)
mardi 12 novembre 2019
Anyone watching this?
I enjoyed it a lot. Has a much more Star Wars feel to it. Some very interesting stories being set up. Had some excellent action scenes.
Plus it has Carl Weathers and Werner Herzog in it. Can't go wrong.
First episode is out if you know where to look.
I enjoyed it a lot. Has a much more Star Wars feel to it. Some very interesting stories being set up. Had some excellent action scenes.
Plus it has Carl Weathers and Werner Herzog in it. Can't go wrong.
First episode is out if you know where to look.
The midfield dilemma!?
So, were 12 games into tbe season and its a tale of two halves. The first 6ish games we had a good run and the last few games weve finally come up against top quality opposition and have hit a bit of a brick wall.
Looking at the team we clearly have a first choice keeper in Guita, with Heno more than good enough for back up.
Our defence whilst limited picks itself; Ward - RB
Two of Cahill, Mama, Kelly and Tomkins.
PvA - LB
Up top we have the Ghanian Jesus, with Benteke well off the pace and Wickham down at Holby City, theres no alternative.
The midfield is still a problem for me and still the major area of the pitch that doesnt automatically pick itself.
We are awash with these hardworking MF, but all are limited.
For me you have:
Kouyate - our best CM at the moment, breaks up play well, attempts to drive the ball forward, but is clearly limited with his passing, dribbling and finishing.
Jimmy Mac - always gives 100%, puts his body on the line, attempts to get into the box, but hes not a winger for sure. Hes also not creative enough to play as a number 10, but to his credit is the only one I think capable of scoring.
Luka - our only leader on the pitch after Cahill but is well out of sorts. After watching Leicester and more specifically Ndidi, it really showed someone like Luka up. Are we playing him in the right position or is he just out of sorts. For me he needs a spell on the sidelines because hes not performing.
Schlupp - built like a 100m sprinter, yet often found inside His marker, never taking on his man, a dubious crosser of the ball and even with his rep for being the best finisher at the club, doesnt score enough.
Townsend - a pure winger but again out of form, short on goals and confidence.
Wilf - the only player who can single handily win a game and is a starter, plus we have a million Wilf threads.
Then we have the backup
James McCarthy - looked ok at West Ham, is a direct replacement for Jimmy Mac, needs games but looks solid enough.
Meyer - I have a soft spot for Max. For me is a technically gifted player, always wants the ball, looks best out on the left linking with Wilf. Never really given a good run in the team, but when coming on, only has mins at the end of a game to attempt to make an impact.
Victor Camarasa - again not given a run, is a dead ball specialist, a fair player and has an eye for a goal.
So what do we do? Were at the end of our terrible run of games and being only hopeful of picking up points we could easily not picked up any.
Interested to hear what people would do going forwards. Weve played our narrow 442 and against the big teams weve gone for damage limitation, rather than having a go.
Id like to see us take a chance on a more attacking team and attempt to bring Meyer or Camarsa into the first team and leave the likes of 6/10 Schlupp on the sidelines.
With Roy looking increasingly likely to extend his contract are we in danger of having no creative players come the end of next season?
What do we do between now and the transfer window, where were unlikely as per to strengthen?
Looking at the team we clearly have a first choice keeper in Guita, with Heno more than good enough for back up.
Our defence whilst limited picks itself; Ward - RB
Two of Cahill, Mama, Kelly and Tomkins.
PvA - LB
Up top we have the Ghanian Jesus, with Benteke well off the pace and Wickham down at Holby City, theres no alternative.
The midfield is still a problem for me and still the major area of the pitch that doesnt automatically pick itself.
We are awash with these hardworking MF, but all are limited.
For me you have:
Kouyate - our best CM at the moment, breaks up play well, attempts to drive the ball forward, but is clearly limited with his passing, dribbling and finishing.
Jimmy Mac - always gives 100%, puts his body on the line, attempts to get into the box, but hes not a winger for sure. Hes also not creative enough to play as a number 10, but to his credit is the only one I think capable of scoring.
Luka - our only leader on the pitch after Cahill but is well out of sorts. After watching Leicester and more specifically Ndidi, it really showed someone like Luka up. Are we playing him in the right position or is he just out of sorts. For me he needs a spell on the sidelines because hes not performing.
Schlupp - built like a 100m sprinter, yet often found inside His marker, never taking on his man, a dubious crosser of the ball and even with his rep for being the best finisher at the club, doesnt score enough.
Townsend - a pure winger but again out of form, short on goals and confidence.
Wilf - the only player who can single handily win a game and is a starter, plus we have a million Wilf threads.
Then we have the backup
James McCarthy - looked ok at West Ham, is a direct replacement for Jimmy Mac, needs games but looks solid enough.
Meyer - I have a soft spot for Max. For me is a technically gifted player, always wants the ball, looks best out on the left linking with Wilf. Never really given a good run in the team, but when coming on, only has mins at the end of a game to attempt to make an impact.
Victor Camarasa - again not given a run, is a dead ball specialist, a fair player and has an eye for a goal.
So what do we do? Were at the end of our terrible run of games and being only hopeful of picking up points we could easily not picked up any.
Interested to hear what people would do going forwards. Weve played our narrow 442 and against the big teams weve gone for damage limitation, rather than having a go.
Id like to see us take a chance on a more attacking team and attempt to bring Meyer or Camarsa into the first team and leave the likes of 6/10 Schlupp on the sidelines.
With Roy looking increasingly likely to extend his contract are we in danger of having no creative players come the end of next season?
What do we do between now and the transfer window, where were unlikely as per to strengthen?
Our Best ever outfield player?
With the Wilf/Wright/Lombardo best all-time player debate being discussed as part of the Zaha threads...
Who was your best from these three or somebody else as our Greatest ever?
Could Don Rogers still have danced passed modern defenders as he did back in the day and just how amazing would Wilf have been against the typical defenders of yesteryear?
No poll ....
Who was your best from these three or somebody else as our Greatest ever?
Could Don Rogers still have danced passed modern defenders as he did back in the day and just how amazing would Wilf have been against the typical defenders of yesteryear?
No poll ....
Looks good this..
...I wonder how it looked from the fan's perspective inside the stadium.
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Administration request
I PM'd Adler and Les last week but didn't get a response, presumably at least because admins don't do admin that way? I dunno. Anyway, I did a PM because this concerns account stuff which I would prefer to be private......
The issue for me is that I have to change my account email address on my account "Spindle" because my present one is going to be canned by the provider soon. Unfortunately the email I want to use is in use, I think it's because I failed in an account creation before I created this one, pretty sure that account username is "Spindinio" and it's in a state of unverified limbo. Could you please edit the email out of that account or just delete the account please? Then I can update the email address for this one. Please let me know.
Thanks in advance
I PM'd Adler and Les last week but didn't get a response, presumably at least because admins don't do admin that way? I dunno. Anyway, I did a PM because this concerns account stuff which I would prefer to be private......
The issue for me is that I have to change my account email address on my account "Spindle" because my present one is going to be canned by the provider soon. Unfortunately the email I want to use is in use, I think it's because I failed in an account creation before I created this one, pretty sure that account username is "Spindinio" and it's in a state of unverified limbo. Could you please edit the email out of that account or just delete the account please? Then I can update the email address for this one. Please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Sterling left out of England squad
lundi 11 novembre 2019
Sterling has been left of the England squad after a bust up with Gomez.
Suggested Team and Formation For: Liverpool (home)
At least if we are going to set up in a defensive formation with Roy's favourites and a solid midfield, let's have our best player close to the opponent's half (even though he will be isolated and completely starved of service). Hopefully Kouyate can support him by advancing into the No10 position, as he has done on occasion this season. :angel:
At least if we are going to set up in a defensive formation with Roy's favourites and a solid midfield, let's have our best player close to the opponent's half (even though he will be isolated and completely starved of service). Hopefully Kouyate can support him by advancing into the No10 position, as he has done on occasion this season. :angel:
Good Press for Palace This Morning
I couldn't find the previous article on the matter, but it's good to see we've voluntarily agreed to pay the living wage in London now, rather than the bare minimum.
Hopefully more clubs follow suit, not just Premiership teams.
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Hopefully more clubs follow suit, not just Premiership teams.
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Military coup in Bolivia
dimanche 10 novembre 2019
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This is the most dramatic single event in Latin America in decades. Given Morales popularity with millions of Bolivians and the military's determination to remove him, it could also turn out to be the bloodiest.
This is the most dramatic single event in Latin America in decades. Given Morales popularity with millions of Bolivians and the military's determination to remove him, it could also turn out to be the bloodiest.
Lop Sided Fixture Lists
I know the PL fixtures are supposedly generated randomly, with a bit of tweaking to avoid police issues like Everton v Utd and Liverpool v Man C being on the same day, but the way ours have panned out so far seems very unfair and counter to normal statistical distribution.
Depending on whether you think there are 4, 5 or 6 top sides we should logically, and usually, play one of them once every 3 to 5 games. Our recent run has had Arsenal, City, Chelsea and Liverpool in 4 of 5 games.
2018/19 - Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs, Utd consecutively
2017/18 - City, Utd, Chelsea, Spurs in 6 games, and Spurs, Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool in 5 games
2016/17 - Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal in 4 games, and Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs, City, Utd in 10 games
2015/16 - Arsenal, Chelsea, City, Spurs in 5 games
Obviously you also get runs against lower teams too, but it seems that these runs, especially, this season, just knock away any momentum you have as you by default have to play in a different way. You then have to start all over again creating a decent run against the teams directly around you.
Im sure its not only us, but these big team games coming in clusters like this is not ideal.
Depending on whether you think there are 4, 5 or 6 top sides we should logically, and usually, play one of them once every 3 to 5 games. Our recent run has had Arsenal, City, Chelsea and Liverpool in 4 of 5 games.
2018/19 - Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs, Utd consecutively
2017/18 - City, Utd, Chelsea, Spurs in 6 games, and Spurs, Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool in 5 games
2016/17 - Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal in 4 games, and Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Spurs, City, Utd in 10 games
2015/16 - Arsenal, Chelsea, City, Spurs in 5 games
Obviously you also get runs against lower teams too, but it seems that these runs, especially, this season, just knock away any momentum you have as you by default have to play in a different way. You then have to start all over again creating a decent run against the teams directly around you.
Im sure its not only us, but these big team games coming in clusters like this is not ideal.
A great team to watch
Heard this rather ironic comment coming from a certain Tony Pulis this morning when talking about Brentford. I think it's fair to say some of our recent football under Hodgson has been a bit of a challenge to watch but this also made me think what "great football" really is.
Back in the 80s many smaller teams like us got slated for playing the long ball game and I guess as a pure spectacle it wasn't easy on the eye, but I loved it as it made Palace challenge with the big clubs. It was basic but it definitely wasn't defensive, like so many smaller teams seem to be these days.
So the question is what really is great football? Is it Pardewesque attacking whilst neglecting the defence? Is it tapping it around like Arsenal?
I guess you would say Man City play the most attractive football but personally I prefer to play a quicker, more direct game like Leicester are at the moment.
We tried to pass the ball around yesterday and it was really quite painful to watch. I know it's no better when we're lumping it to Benteke but it's really hard to define what style we actually have at the moment.
Back in the 80s many smaller teams like us got slated for playing the long ball game and I guess as a pure spectacle it wasn't easy on the eye, but I loved it as it made Palace challenge with the big clubs. It was basic but it definitely wasn't defensive, like so many smaller teams seem to be these days.
So the question is what really is great football? Is it Pardewesque attacking whilst neglecting the defence? Is it tapping it around like Arsenal?
I guess you would say Man City play the most attractive football but personally I prefer to play a quicker, more direct game like Leicester are at the moment.
We tried to pass the ball around yesterday and it was really quite painful to watch. I know it's no better when we're lumping it to Benteke but it's really hard to define what style we actually have at the moment.
With Ward potentially out, think this formation would be a good move,
Kelly. Tomkins. Cahill
Townsend. Luka. Macca. PVA
Wilf. Big Ben. Ayew
Kelly. Tomkins. Cahill
Townsend. Luka. Macca. PVA
Wilf. Big Ben. Ayew
Most memorable election moment
samedi 9 novembre 2019
A bit of light relief from the heat of this campaign. Whats been your favourite or most memorable moments from election campaigns and election nights from the past? Could also mention personal memories of elections past.
Have to say, one of my favourites was the Prescott punch in Rhyl from the 2001 election campaign.
In one of the documentaries of Blairs years in office, theres an amusing clip where Tony describes picking up the phone in his office and being told that theyd just received news that the Deputy Prime Minister has punched a member of the public. :D
As someone that has disliked the Tories from a young age, my most triumphant election moment came when the exit poll was released at the last election in 2017. Fully expecting a strong Tory majority as nigh on all polls were predicting, and telling myself that once I saw the inevitable I would go to bed as I couldnt bring myself to watch the results come through as Ive done in years past; to see Dimbleby announce May was expected to not win a majority was like watching Palace score a last minute equaliser at Old Trafford. Certainly celebrated it like it was.
Have to say, one of my favourites was the Prescott punch in Rhyl from the 2001 election campaign.
In one of the documentaries of Blairs years in office, theres an amusing clip where Tony describes picking up the phone in his office and being told that theyd just received news that the Deputy Prime Minister has punched a member of the public. :D
As someone that has disliked the Tories from a young age, my most triumphant election moment came when the exit poll was released at the last election in 2017. Fully expecting a strong Tory majority as nigh on all polls were predicting, and telling myself that once I saw the inevitable I would go to bed as I couldnt bring myself to watch the results come through as Ive done in years past; to see Dimbleby announce May was expected to not win a majority was like watching Palace score a last minute equaliser at Old Trafford. Certainly celebrated it like it was.
Lest We Forget
I've been doing a lot of Military research on my family this past year, so this year I will be remembering:
Arthur Maurice Cooper, my grandfather served in the Lincolnshire Regiment, from 1904 until he “died of his wounds” as a POW in Berlin in Jan 1915. Buried in Potsdam, Germany.
Ernest Edward Cooper, served in the Essex Regiment, 10th (Service) Battalion. Killed at the first Battle of Amiens in August 1918. Buried in Beacon Cemetery, Sailly-Laurette, Somme, France.
Spencer Bruce Cooper, served in the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment) attd. 2nd Bn. Royal Berkshire Regiment. Died on 24 April 1918. Buried in Daours Communal Cemetery Extension III. France
William David Kenny VC, commissioned into the Indian Army as a Second Lieutenant on 31st August 1918 and posted to the 4th Battalion 39th Garhwal Rifles. A year later he was promoted Lieutenant and was killed in action on 2 January 1920 during the Waziristan campaign. For this action, he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross.
Ambrose Ling, Able Seaman, HMS Sheffield Royal Navy, died on 27 May 1941. Commemorated at Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, Cemetery/memorial reference: 43, 1.
Bertie Ling, 10th Bn., East Yorkshire Regiment, 252nd Battalion, died on 12 April 1918. Commemorated at Ploegsteert Memorial, Hainaut, Belgium, Cemetery/memorial reference: Panel 4.
Bertie Ling, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) 2nd Battalion, died on 7 July 1917. Battery Corner Cemetery, Cemetery/memorial reference: I. D. 11.
George Alfred Ling, Bedfordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion, formerly 28504, Suffolk Regt, died on 4 Jan 1917, France. Gorre British and Indian Cemetery, Grave reference III. E. 3.
Isaac Ling, 1st/5th Bn., Royal Sussex Regiment, died on 16 August 1917. Buried at Tyne Cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Cemetery/memorial reference: Panel 86 to 88.
Rowland Adolphus Ling, 2/7th Bn, The Queen's Royal Regt. (West Surrey), died on 30 September 1944. Buried in Cesena War Cemetery, Italy"
Walter Ling, 9th Bn., Suffolk Regiment, died on 24 October 1915. Buried in La Brique Military Cemetery No.2, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. (Ref I.O.27).
William David Ling, Suffolk R G A (Militia). Died 11 Oct 1907, aged 16. Buried in Blaxhall, Suffolk.
William Samuel Ling, Royal Irish Rifles, 13th Battalion. Died 4 June 1917, age 32. Buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France
Peter Joseph Newton, Royal Navy from 1896 until he died in 1918. Buried in the Birmingham (Witton) Cemetery.
John Joseph Newton, Royal Corps of Signals, attached to the Indian Signal Corps, and died March 1945 in Burma. Buried in the Taukkyan War Cemetery, Rangoon.
Wallace John Newton, died 1895 on board HMS Trincomalee. His death is recorded in GRO Marine Death Indices (1846 to 1902).
Ernest Phillips, The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, died in August 1944 in northwestern Europe. Buried in the Bayeux War cemetery, in Normandy.
Civilian War Dead
Blanche Eliza Cooper, killed during a Zeppelin raid over Southwold, Suffolk on 17 April 1915.
David Albert Ling, died on 24 July 1944, aged 17 years. Air raid at 22 Arundel Road, Leytonstone. Buried in Leyton, Municipal Borough.
Arthur Ling, Injured in same air raid at 22 Arundel Road, Leytonstone. Died on 28 July 1944 aged 78 years. Buried in Urban District of Hornchurch,
Arthur Maurice Cooper, my grandfather served in the Lincolnshire Regiment, from 1904 until he “died of his wounds” as a POW in Berlin in Jan 1915. Buried in Potsdam, Germany.
Ernest Edward Cooper, served in the Essex Regiment, 10th (Service) Battalion. Killed at the first Battle of Amiens in August 1918. Buried in Beacon Cemetery, Sailly-Laurette, Somme, France.
Spencer Bruce Cooper, served in the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment) attd. 2nd Bn. Royal Berkshire Regiment. Died on 24 April 1918. Buried in Daours Communal Cemetery Extension III. France
William David Kenny VC, commissioned into the Indian Army as a Second Lieutenant on 31st August 1918 and posted to the 4th Battalion 39th Garhwal Rifles. A year later he was promoted Lieutenant and was killed in action on 2 January 1920 during the Waziristan campaign. For this action, he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross.
Ambrose Ling, Able Seaman, HMS Sheffield Royal Navy, died on 27 May 1941. Commemorated at Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, Cemetery/memorial reference: 43, 1.
Bertie Ling, 10th Bn., East Yorkshire Regiment, 252nd Battalion, died on 12 April 1918. Commemorated at Ploegsteert Memorial, Hainaut, Belgium, Cemetery/memorial reference: Panel 4.
Bertie Ling, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) 2nd Battalion, died on 7 July 1917. Battery Corner Cemetery, Cemetery/memorial reference: I. D. 11.
George Alfred Ling, Bedfordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion, formerly 28504, Suffolk Regt, died on 4 Jan 1917, France. Gorre British and Indian Cemetery, Grave reference III. E. 3.
Isaac Ling, 1st/5th Bn., Royal Sussex Regiment, died on 16 August 1917. Buried at Tyne Cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Cemetery/memorial reference: Panel 86 to 88.
Rowland Adolphus Ling, 2/7th Bn, The Queen's Royal Regt. (West Surrey), died on 30 September 1944. Buried in Cesena War Cemetery, Italy"
Walter Ling, 9th Bn., Suffolk Regiment, died on 24 October 1915. Buried in La Brique Military Cemetery No.2, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. (Ref I.O.27).
William David Ling, Suffolk R G A (Militia). Died 11 Oct 1907, aged 16. Buried in Blaxhall, Suffolk.
William Samuel Ling, Royal Irish Rifles, 13th Battalion. Died 4 June 1917, age 32. Buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France
Peter Joseph Newton, Royal Navy from 1896 until he died in 1918. Buried in the Birmingham (Witton) Cemetery.
John Joseph Newton, Royal Corps of Signals, attached to the Indian Signal Corps, and died March 1945 in Burma. Buried in the Taukkyan War Cemetery, Rangoon.
Wallace John Newton, died 1895 on board HMS Trincomalee. His death is recorded in GRO Marine Death Indices (1846 to 1902).
Ernest Phillips, The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, died in August 1944 in northwestern Europe. Buried in the Bayeux War cemetery, in Normandy.
Civilian War Dead
Blanche Eliza Cooper, killed during a Zeppelin raid over Southwold, Suffolk on 17 April 1915.
David Albert Ling, died on 24 July 1944, aged 17 years. Air raid at 22 Arundel Road, Leytonstone. Buried in Leyton, Municipal Borough.
Arthur Ling, Injured in same air raid at 22 Arundel Road, Leytonstone. Died on 28 July 1944 aged 78 years. Buried in Urban District of Hornchurch,
Your Palace 5 a side team
Stolen from Jamie Carraghers enjoyable new podcast but it did make me wonder who my palace 5 a side team would be. Ive tried out a few varieties and settled on:
Hard to top in my opinion although highly era dependant.
Hard to top in my opinion although highly era dependant.
Holloway podcast
vendredi 8 novembre 2019
Apparently Ian H is doing a podcast and had Pulis on as a guest
you can check it out here:
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Palace related bits at
you can check it out here:
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Palace related bits at
Live Com and Updates: Chelsea v Crystal Palace KO 12:30

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Match Updates: Nov 8/9/10
The weekend starts here...
Norwich v Watford
Great chance for Watford to get their first win of the season at the 12th time of asking. A defeat for Norwich will put them bottom.
Norwich v Watford
Great chance for Watford to get their first win of the season at the 12th time of asking. A defeat for Norwich will put them bottom.
Rumour: Wout Weghorst
Snippet from the BBC Gossip section...
Crystal Palace are monitoring the progress of Netherlands striker Wout Weghorst, 27, who has scored eight goals in 15 appearances for Wolfsburg so far this season. (Calciomercato - in Italian)
Crystal Palace are monitoring the progress of Netherlands striker Wout Weghorst, 27, who has scored eight goals in 15 appearances for Wolfsburg so far this season. (Calciomercato - in Italian)
Crystal Ball: Chelsea vs Palace
Predictions for tomorrow's match.
Score, scorers and attendance as per usual.
Score, scorers and attendance as per usual.
Suggested Team and Formation For: Chelsea
jeudi 7 novembre 2019
Ward.......... Tomkins... Cahill .......... PVA
McArther ...Luka ...Kouyate .......Schlupp
..................ZAHA.....Ayew .....
Ward.......... Tomkins... Cahill .......... PVA
McArther ...Luka ...Kouyate .......Schlupp
..................ZAHA.....Ayew .....
Grand Solar Minimum
I have decided to create this thread to put up an alternative view of the climate to that which the UN/IPCC have with the demonising of CO2, in particular, the role humans play.
No doubt there will be ridicule, unlike the UN/IPCC I will have the Science Papers to back up my claims, which can be replicated by those who wish to do so. So I see this thread as a journey.
More importantly, the climate over the coming years starting now will prove or disprove this thread and the science.
My view is that the sun has the greatest impact on our climate and our neighbouring planets. The cycles of the sun are influenced by the suns internal dynamo and the gravity of the planets/bodies circling it. Hence why the temperature has varied over time.

The number of sunspots tells us how active the sun is through various cycles. The polarity of the sunspots changing indicates we have moved to a new 22 year Solar Cycle, this happened last week we are now in solar cycle 25. Which is predicted to be less active than the last. Leaving cycle 24 is saying goodbye to the Modern Maximum and Hallo Modern Grand Minimum.
So how do we know what cycle 25 and beyond will bring? Professor Valentina Zharkova she discovered long-term oscillations of the solar background magnetic field associated with double dynamo waves generated in inner and outer layers of the Sun indicates that the solar activity is heading in the next three decades (20192055) to a Modern grand minimum similar to Maunder one.
But there is some good news too, Solar Radiance will increase for the next 500 years as the earth moves closer to the sun the northern hemisphere will be warmer in summer and colder in winter. Unfortunately, we are not going to get the full benefit of this for some time.
To view the link you have to Register or Login This is her paper in nature providing you with more detail.

Above shows, the number of Sunspots observed over the past 400 years with Nasa prediction for Cycle 25.
Yes, it is going to get cooler. The immediate concern is 2028-2032 severe cold weather will impact on farming with food shortages. Intergovernmental action is needed to address the disaster. Stocks of food for people and animals need to be stored in advance of these years. Putting it into perspective, the population was a 10th in size in then the demand for food will be greater. Heres an article of what life was like.
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So taking a look at other planets is it a coincidence that the southern ice cap on mars is shrinking similar to the Arctic. No man-made CO2 there? Or the red spot on Jupiter is diminishing.
IPCC Climate models use radiance only for the effect of the sun on the temperature, they miss the impact of the magnetic fields. During a minimum, the cosmetic rays will breakdown the cloud cover resulting in reduced temperatures in the atmosphere. Like opening a window in a greenhouse, whilst during a maximum period cloud cover traps the heat the greenhouse effect. Statistically, during the Minimum, there is also an uptick in earthquakes and volcanos.
No, burning CO2 is not going to save us.
Below is a video of Valentina presenting to the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
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My notes from the video follow:-
o She previously presented to the Royal Astronomical Society some climate scientists were unhappy with her work and wanted her funding stopped. Why?
o When predicting Cycle 24 out of 150 models only 2 predicted it to be less active than Cycle 23. It was less active.
o 32 minutes in, Proved past and predicted future solar cycles, where we are leaving a solar maximum and entering a minimum.
o Solar Inertion motion, this means that the Sun moves pulled around by the Planets that circle it. Consequently, the planet will be warmer or colder depending on where a planet is in relation to the sun. During the Roman period, the earth was closer, hence grapes were once grown in Scotland close to Shetlands Islands.
o 1:16:00, CO2 impact on temperature is too small to measure, they cant. Then who says CO2 is warming the planet they do not give you the instrument to measure it. It is a religion. If it is correct science I can do it you can do it she says.
o People From IPCC do not listen, they are blinkered.
o The chairman stated Science makes predictions and test them and learn from them. We no longer have a culture that allows you to present your findings. Which makes it difficult to present your findings any more.
So what evidence do we have to date that things are cooling?
The Solar Minimum changes the behaviour of the jet streams, it becomes very wavey, in the Northern Hemisphere pulling cool air from the artic and warmer air from the south. We can see this happening, the cool air in the past week in North America, while MSM report on California fires, many of the states have set record cold temperatures for October. The coldest is the weather station located at the bottom of the sink took the -35F (-37.2C) reading at approximately 6:15 AM on Monday morning, Oct 28 beating-out the previous October record low of -33F (-36.1C) set way back in 1917 (just after weak solar cycle 14, which was similar to the cycle weve just experienced, 24).
Norway is experiencing record levels of snow this early in November with a snow depth of 70 cm on flat ground. You have to go back 1922 to find more (83 cm) at the same date.
Ski resorts in Colorado opened the earliest ever this year, last weekend. Ski resorts in Australia are still getting snow.

Snow is not too far away, it is the only beginning of November. It will make its way south, Artic Ice recovering nicely. To view the link you have to Register or Login
No doubt there will be ridicule, unlike the UN/IPCC I will have the Science Papers to back up my claims, which can be replicated by those who wish to do so. So I see this thread as a journey.
More importantly, the climate over the coming years starting now will prove or disprove this thread and the science.
My view is that the sun has the greatest impact on our climate and our neighbouring planets. The cycles of the sun are influenced by the suns internal dynamo and the gravity of the planets/bodies circling it. Hence why the temperature has varied over time.

The number of sunspots tells us how active the sun is through various cycles. The polarity of the sunspots changing indicates we have moved to a new 22 year Solar Cycle, this happened last week we are now in solar cycle 25. Which is predicted to be less active than the last. Leaving cycle 24 is saying goodbye to the Modern Maximum and Hallo Modern Grand Minimum.
So how do we know what cycle 25 and beyond will bring? Professor Valentina Zharkova she discovered long-term oscillations of the solar background magnetic field associated with double dynamo waves generated in inner and outer layers of the Sun indicates that the solar activity is heading in the next three decades (20192055) to a Modern grand minimum similar to Maunder one.
But there is some good news too, Solar Radiance will increase for the next 500 years as the earth moves closer to the sun the northern hemisphere will be warmer in summer and colder in winter. Unfortunately, we are not going to get the full benefit of this for some time.
To view the link you have to Register or Login This is her paper in nature providing you with more detail.

Above shows, the number of Sunspots observed over the past 400 years with Nasa prediction for Cycle 25.
Yes, it is going to get cooler. The immediate concern is 2028-2032 severe cold weather will impact on farming with food shortages. Intergovernmental action is needed to address the disaster. Stocks of food for people and animals need to be stored in advance of these years. Putting it into perspective, the population was a 10th in size in then the demand for food will be greater. Heres an article of what life was like.
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So taking a look at other planets is it a coincidence that the southern ice cap on mars is shrinking similar to the Arctic. No man-made CO2 there? Or the red spot on Jupiter is diminishing.
IPCC Climate models use radiance only for the effect of the sun on the temperature, they miss the impact of the magnetic fields. During a minimum, the cosmetic rays will breakdown the cloud cover resulting in reduced temperatures in the atmosphere. Like opening a window in a greenhouse, whilst during a maximum period cloud cover traps the heat the greenhouse effect. Statistically, during the Minimum, there is also an uptick in earthquakes and volcanos.
No, burning CO2 is not going to save us.
Below is a video of Valentina presenting to the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
To view the link you have to Register or Login
My notes from the video follow:-
o She previously presented to the Royal Astronomical Society some climate scientists were unhappy with her work and wanted her funding stopped. Why?
o When predicting Cycle 24 out of 150 models only 2 predicted it to be less active than Cycle 23. It was less active.
o 32 minutes in, Proved past and predicted future solar cycles, where we are leaving a solar maximum and entering a minimum.
o Solar Inertion motion, this means that the Sun moves pulled around by the Planets that circle it. Consequently, the planet will be warmer or colder depending on where a planet is in relation to the sun. During the Roman period, the earth was closer, hence grapes were once grown in Scotland close to Shetlands Islands.
o 1:16:00, CO2 impact on temperature is too small to measure, they cant. Then who says CO2 is warming the planet they do not give you the instrument to measure it. It is a religion. If it is correct science I can do it you can do it she says.
o People From IPCC do not listen, they are blinkered.
o The chairman stated Science makes predictions and test them and learn from them. We no longer have a culture that allows you to present your findings. Which makes it difficult to present your findings any more.
So what evidence do we have to date that things are cooling?
The Solar Minimum changes the behaviour of the jet streams, it becomes very wavey, in the Northern Hemisphere pulling cool air from the artic and warmer air from the south. We can see this happening, the cool air in the past week in North America, while MSM report on California fires, many of the states have set record cold temperatures for October. The coldest is the weather station located at the bottom of the sink took the -35F (-37.2C) reading at approximately 6:15 AM on Monday morning, Oct 28 beating-out the previous October record low of -33F (-36.1C) set way back in 1917 (just after weak solar cycle 14, which was similar to the cycle weve just experienced, 24).
Norway is experiencing record levels of snow this early in November with a snow depth of 70 cm on flat ground. You have to go back 1922 to find more (83 cm) at the same date.
Ski resorts in Colorado opened the earliest ever this year, last weekend. Ski resorts in Australia are still getting snow.

Snow is not too far away, it is the only beginning of November. It will make its way south, Artic Ice recovering nicely. To view the link you have to Register or Login
James Cleverley
mercredi 6 novembre 2019
Seems to be various threads about various politicians on here, so I thought I would start this one off by stating this guy comes across as an absolute dick!
New Mattress
Has anyone bought a new mattress recently? I'm looking for a new one and there seems to be a lot of extremely well reviewed mattresses out there and it's quite difficult to choose. Any recommendations?
Electrician in Croydon - recommendations please
Anyone recommend a local electrician? It's a very small job.
Roy Hodgson Q&A 27th November 7pm All Welcome
The Trust are having their AGM on 27th November at 7pm in Speroni's at the club. Roy Hodgson has kindly agreed to be the guest speaker and to do a Question and Answer session.
This will be up first and the Trust has opened this up to everyone who wants to come along and hear Roy and ask questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with Roy in person and I hope that people will come along. Questions are not pre-vetted or scripted and anyone from the audience will have a chance to ask questions although we would expect people to keep it polite.
If you are intending to turn up please email us so we can get an idea of numbers here
And people are welcome to stay for the AGM as well of course.:D
The club are also opening the bar before and during the meeting
This will be up first and the Trust has opened this up to everyone who wants to come along and hear Roy and ask questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with Roy in person and I hope that people will come along. Questions are not pre-vetted or scripted and anyone from the audience will have a chance to ask questions although we would expect people to keep it polite.
If you are intending to turn up please email us so we can get an idea of numbers here
And people are welcome to stay for the AGM as well of course.:D
The club are also opening the bar before and during the meeting
Fixture Information: Southampton away 28/12/19.
Any idea when these could go out on sale, points etc?
Would think would be in high demand as usual.
Would think would be in high demand as usual.
Richard Smith
A former Palace apprentice centre half around 74-76? Just chatting to a fella Whos fixing our front door and he was a left back to a very good standard and we was talking about youth football back in the day.
European matches 5th-7th November
mardi 5 novembre 2019
I'm at Lyon v Benfica
Good atmosphere building up. Loads of local Portugueuse here.
Depay will hopefully keep up his good form.
Allez l'OL!
Good atmosphere building up. Loads of local Portugueuse here.
Depay will hopefully keep up his good form.
Allez l'OL!
Waste Management Company Croydon - Recommendations Please
Hi, I'm not local to Croydon anymore but the in-laws have asked me to help them source a local waste management company. They'll need lots of waste cleared in the coming 4-8 weeks but don't necessarily want a skip as they plan to stagger it. Recommendations would be gratefully welcome. TIA
Rumour: Scott Banks
Mentioned again today. He's running his contract down to get a move to Palace To view the link you have to Register or Login
Latin Music - A broad church
I loves me some Latin choons like NY/PR salsa, Cubano, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, Colombian etc etc.
So here's a nice easy one from Los Nemus del Pacifico to get us started...
So here's a nice easy one from Los Nemus del Pacifico to get us started...
Political Correctness gorn mad! Or good point?
"Baby It's Cold Outside rewritten by John Legend to remove 'date-rape' lyric"
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I notice no one has pointed out that "Mistletoe and Wine" is rather sinister...a pissed up "christian" singing hymns and lurching around with a bottle of wine in one hand and a lump of mistletoe in the other is the archetypal office party letch.
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I notice no one has pointed out that "Mistletoe and Wine" is rather sinister...a pissed up "christian" singing hymns and lurching around with a bottle of wine in one hand and a lump of mistletoe in the other is the archetypal office party letch.
Rumour: Zaha January 2020
Express reporting Wilf is a target for Chelsea in January if their ban is lifted with a Lampard having £150m for new players.
Sir Lindsay Hoyle
lundi 4 novembre 2019
The new Speaker of the House.
Looks like hes got it in his locker to be as colourful as the previous incumbent. I didnt know that once youre speaker that you dont have to contest your constituency in an election, in this case, Chorley. Wonder what the people of Chorley think about that?
Here he is being dragged to his seat as is tradition. Quite an emotional moment as he mentions his daughter, who sadly passed two years ago.
If youre wondering what his style will be like in the chair, here are some of his best moments when deputising for Bercow. Interesting to see a very irate and aggressive Alex Salmond - being backed by his SNP pals. Dont often see that anger from him - the smiley, in control veneer fell for a moment there.
Looks like hes got it in his locker to be as colourful as the previous incumbent. I didnt know that once youre speaker that you dont have to contest your constituency in an election, in this case, Chorley. Wonder what the people of Chorley think about that?
Here he is being dragged to his seat as is tradition. Quite an emotional moment as he mentions his daughter, who sadly passed two years ago.
If youre wondering what his style will be like in the chair, here are some of his best moments when deputising for Bercow. Interesting to see a very irate and aggressive Alex Salmond - being backed by his SNP pals. Dont often see that anger from him - the smiley, in control veneer fell for a moment there.
Review of Oppo
I know this is GPD but thought it would be interesting to do a review of the opposition each week, including team, fans etc.
I'll start.
Vardy - as someone else said, rat-faced weasel but seems to have recovered his form from the title season. Tomkins struggled to contain him.
Turkish CB - absolutely superb front and back. So much better than Maguire.
Overall team are not brilliant but had so much more energy than us.
Fans were quite loud but couldnt hear them too much from the lower holmesdale.
Btw Where do away fans drink these days? Rarely see them around the ground.
I'll start.
Vardy - as someone else said, rat-faced weasel but seems to have recovered his form from the title season. Tomkins struggled to contain him.
Turkish CB - absolutely superb front and back. So much better than Maguire.
Overall team are not brilliant but had so much more energy than us.
Fans were quite loud but couldnt hear them too much from the lower holmesdale.
Btw Where do away fans drink these days? Rarely see them around the ground.
Discussion: Transfers since 17/18
Interesting to see our Incoming transfers since Season 17/18 ( not including loans )
Sakho 25.3 m
Riedawald 8.1 m
Sorloth 8.1 m
Jach 2.48m
Henry free
Kouyate 9.6m
Sako free
Meyer free
Guaita free
McCarthy 2.9m
Ayew 2.5m
Henderson free
Cahill free
Not a criticism of any of the above but there is no real pace or creativity there
Sakho 25.3 m
Riedawald 8.1 m
Sorloth 8.1 m
Jach 2.48m
Henry free
Kouyate 9.6m
Sako free
Meyer free
Guaita free
McCarthy 2.9m
Ayew 2.5m
Henderson free
Cahill free
Not a criticism of any of the above but there is no real pace or creativity there
Handyman in the Croydon area?
Any handyman in the Croydon area, please drop me a PM. Ive got a couple of small jobs that I need doing pretty quickly.
On this day - 4th November 1972
dimanche 3 novembre 2019
On this day - 4th November 1972
Love bringing this one up.
47 years ago today.
Very special memories for me.
"Don Rogers makes his debut for Crystal Palace after signing from Swindon Town and scores in the 1-0 defeat of Everton".
The reason why I follow Palace . oh, and I had 2 Palace Subbuteo teams and liked the kit.
Love bringing this one up.
47 years ago today.
Very special memories for me.
"Don Rogers makes his debut for Crystal Palace after signing from Swindon Town and scores in the 1-0 defeat of Everton".
The reason why I follow Palace . oh, and I had 2 Palace Subbuteo teams and liked the kit.
Max Meyer likes a beer
After the Aston Villa I spent a few hours with some very knowledgeable German football fans who came to watch the mighty Palace.
We got onto the Max Meyer subject of him failing to get in our starting line up, their response was basically that he got the elbow at Schalke because he loved the party lifestyle and went out drinking lots, it cost him his place at Schalke and any prospect he had of representing Germany.
They went on to say that Meyer living in London is a terrible combination to the party lifestyle he likes and this is why he is struggling for any game time for Palace. They said what a waste of talent it is and his falling out with Schalke football club with pretty big news at the time and his lifestyle was well publicised over in Germany.
We got onto the Max Meyer subject of him failing to get in our starting line up, their response was basically that he got the elbow at Schalke because he loved the party lifestyle and went out drinking lots, it cost him his place at Schalke and any prospect he had of representing Germany.
They went on to say that Meyer living in London is a terrible combination to the party lifestyle he likes and this is why he is struggling for any game time for Palace. They said what a waste of talent it is and his falling out with Schalke football club with pretty big news at the time and his lifestyle was well publicised over in Germany.
Police will need the Army then.
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The Police to take on travellers .... I don't think so .... they crap their pants in Kent.
The Police to take on travellers .... I don't think so .... they crap their pants in Kent.
Player Ratings And Reviews: Palace 0-2 Leicester
PVA, Wilf and Tomkins were dreadful
Ward, McArthur and Kouyate very good, the rest average
The Vardy songs backfired, as expected
Ward, McArthur and Kouyate very good, the rest average
The Vardy songs backfired, as expected
Set Piece Defending
3 goals shipped last two games through not doing the basics. Today Soyoncu was left free twice on 2 corners - we paid on the second corner. Free header. Needs a lot of work on the training ground.
Live Com and Updates: Crystal Palace v Leicester City KO 14:00 GMT
samedi 2 novembre 2019

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To view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or LoginTo view the link you have to Register or Login
To view the link you have to Register or LoginTo view the link you have to Register or Login
Radiator Bleed
It would appear I do not have an appropriate radiator key to bleed this one. Does anyone know what it's called? To view the link you have to Register or Login
Walk and Talk - Victoria to Chelsea (4 miles)
Hi everyone
Hard on the heels of the successful Walk and Talk to Arsenal, Paul and Beulah are organising another for the Chelsea game.
Nice easy 4 miles for the early kick off starting at Victoria.
[emoji625]Meet from 09:15 at The Beer House-London Victoria station
[emoji124]🏼*♀️Depart 10:15 - Approx 4 miles
⏱ Arrive ~ 11:30
🏟 Stamford Bridge
The last event was really lovely with many people sharing positive stories about recovering from difficult times, and others talking about their current struggles.
Its great that that so many fans are keen to reduce the stigma of mental health.
Well promoting Samaritans Real People Real Stories campaign.
Open to all, no registration required.
Hard on the heels of the successful Walk and Talk to Arsenal, Paul and Beulah are organising another for the Chelsea game.
Nice easy 4 miles for the early kick off starting at Victoria.
[emoji625]Meet from 09:15 at The Beer House-London Victoria station
[emoji124]🏼*♀️Depart 10:15 - Approx 4 miles
⏱ Arrive ~ 11:30
🏟 Stamford Bridge
The last event was really lovely with many people sharing positive stories about recovering from difficult times, and others talking about their current struggles.
Its great that that so many fans are keen to reduce the stigma of mental health.
Well promoting Samaritans Real People Real Stories campaign.
Open to all, no registration required.
Suggested Team and Formation For: Leicester City
Ward ............ Tomkins.... Cahill ..........PVA
........McArther .....Milivojevic ... Kouyate
.. Townsend ...........Ayew ............Zaha
Ward ............ Tomkins.... Cahill ..........PVA
........McArther .....Milivojevic ... Kouyate
.. Townsend ...........Ayew ............Zaha
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