When does autism become bad behavior and vice versa?

jeudi 29 août 2019

My heart goes out to all families and parents of children with autism and to the actual children themselves whose life I can not even begin to imagine.

I was reading a news story yesterday, that really touched me, but at the same time got me questioning as to when does autism become bad behavior and vice versa?

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Autism seems to be becoming far more prevalent in this day and age, or perhaps it is being diagnosed more than it was 50 years ago. In the past would such actions as described in the linked article have been considered “just” bad parenting/misbehaving child? From what I see from a video of this incident, there is no doubt in my mind that this kid has a real and undeniable problem, and the parents were very lucky to have an understanding flight crew and fellow passengers on board. In other circumstances it could have turned pretty ugly.

I know there are posters on this sight that have firsthand experience of autism and the commitment required to support and love a child afflicted with this condition. I too have acquaintances with children diagnosed to various degrees, up to and including a 21-year old which brings its own problems (something for another day).

I guess my very cynical question would be, does an autism diagnoses give some parents (obviously not all) a free pass to allow bad behavior of a child? As in the case linked, at some point the parents must have played the “He has Autism” card… and it brought them a lot of sympathy and understanding.

How easy would it be to abuse this situation, and a perfectly normal child of run ragged parents to misbehave in a similar situation and be condoned by all on board the plane leading to the possibility that they would be asked to leave the plane prior to departure for not only their safety but the sanity of all on the flight.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to get slaughtered here, but what the hey… makes a change from talking about Palace and Brexit.

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