Have we, as fans, lost our mojo?

mardi 20 août 2019

Went to Sheffield for the weekend, first game for a number of months due to personal circumstances, paid the extra expense of an hotel and probably spent more than most people on the trip.

Travelled on my own and as I parked up got talking to a Blade who had parked behind me. Next minute he's inviting me into a pub close to the ground for a couple of pints, where we met his son and a mate. Over 10 years out of the premier these guys were oosing passion for their club, the game to start and the chance to compete back at the top.

I compare this to us as fans at the game. First away game of the season eas always meant to be a bit special. Pretty good atmosphere most of the first half, Nothing at the start of the 2nd half matched by a sleeping defence and then nothing more, nor a sound!

I appreciate the performance etc was shit, but we did nothing and I mean nothing to help them raise their game and get back into it.

As the half continued you could hear the tension mounting on the terraces, which no doubt extended to the players on the pitch but still no positive encouragement from us to shake them into a performance.

Once upon a time, winning or losing, we would be consistently chanting, puffing out our chests and letting the home supporters know we were still here and behind them, especially when falling behind.
Im sure you have seen situations where vocal encouragement have seen players react positively and get back into the game and that game was one that we could have turned around or got something out of.

We used to have a reputation as being especially vocal away from home and part of going away was the atmosphere and that collectiveness but sadly that appears to only last 20-30 minutes at the start of the game at most nowadays.

Are we waiting to be entertained, before we put any effort in as supporters? Have we been spoilt by being "established", or our "expectations to kick on ", have we forgotten what we once were?

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