Darth Vader / Obi Wan Reimagining Scene

jeudi 6 juin 2019

Don't know if anyone has seen this YouTube video yet. This scene is a reworking of the original 'Star Wars; A New Hope' fight sequence between Vader and Obi Wan, ( with the interstitial, original scenes spliced into fit the new, digitized material ) created by a digital production house.

IMHO, the original light saber battle looked a bit limp even back in 1977, ( mainly because of the age of one performer and the hampering of the other in a cumbersome, low-visibility suit, plus the fact the sabers would shatter easily in production, limiting the impact the actors could safely impart ) but has aged even worse since then. So, when I heard about this modern re-imagining, forged from a fusion of CGI and stock digital inserts from various Star Wars movies, including Rogue One, I thought the results would at least be interesting on a technical level. What would the original Star Wars duel be like with modern fight techniques, shot angles, rapid editing, ect?

Instead of being merely 'interested,' I was blown away. There's a couple of errors in the shot flow, IMHO, ( everyone's a director ) but otherwise, I think these sequences are the most kinetic and impactful light saber duels I've seen. There's a lot to be said for how the makers made this light saber duel scene work so well but I'll leave that as something the more nerdy or film-orientated among us might want to discuss. Anyway, just thought any Palace fan, particularly of a certain age, might find this rewarding. Enjoy.

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