New Palace Minute: Royal Variety Performance 2018

dimanche 3 juin 2018

A Palace Minute No.28

End of Season Royal Variety Performance

Supporting Katerina

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Hope you all enjoy my latest Palace Minute offering. Been doing this nonsense for eight years now believe it or not, and have had so much enjoyment making them. It has never been my intention to profit from them – the pleasure has come from all the very kind comments and appreciation they have received.

However, my personal situation is such that I’ve decided to use the Palace Minute to raise funds for my three year old daughter Katerina who has Fragile X Syndrome. In summary, it’s a genetic disorder that causes a wide range of learning, emotional and behavioural challenges. Medical science now are very clear on the causes of Fragile X, and there is now a lot of work and research going on all over the world to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure.

One of the world’s leading specialists in Fragile X, is a neurodevelopmental doctor in California. We flew Katerina out to be assessed by her last December, and she has set up a treatment plan that she believes will have a positive impact on her future. Unfortunately, this is not something she can access here in the U.K due to lack of funding concerning research into the condition.

Early intervention is absolutely essential in these disorders in order to make a real difference to the future of children affected; and so as a family, we are taking the big step and travelling back to the States to receive this specialist medical treatment and therapy. We have been in touch with other families who have undertaken similar intervention from this doctor and medical centre, and have all reported back very positively about the differences it’s made to their children affected with Fragile X.

Although it is a massive upheaval and huge financial consideration, me and Mrs Bubbs feel we can’t let this opportunity to make a real difference to Katerina pass us by. So, hence, using my Palace animation to try and fund the large medical bills, travel costs and living expenses while out in the States. We would hate to look back in 10 years time and think we missed a chance to make a real difference to our daughter’s life.

Creating a fundraising page has not been an easy decision, as asking for help does not feel comfortable for me; but I realise that my daughter’s welfare and well-being is what is most important… and anyway, Mrs Bubbs said she’d kill me if I didn’t put to good use the ‘hours and hours’ spent making these ‘childish’ animations for you ‘sad sad’ people, to help our daughter. :D

Please know, there is absolutely no obligation to contribute – the fact this and the other ‘Minutes’ have hopefully made you chuckle over the years has been enough for me. But if you are able to donate, no matter how small, we as a family will be truly and massively grateful.

Thank you

Nick Timotheou (Bubbs)

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