What's Up at HOL

lundi 8 janvier 2018

Hello All,

I've left HOL today (user name legaleagle,for those here who venture on there),having been there nearly 10 years,and joined BBS

What on earth is going on there?

There is a new moderating regime, supported by the Editor,and led by a Mod named Midlands Eagle that is simply deleting posts or threads critical of Moderators and plainly inappropriately picking on people (including banning them) with left wing tendencies while becoming more right wing by the day and accommodating racist sentiments by the likes under a new name of the unlamented here (and twice banned from HOL,Judge)

I gather two Moderators who did not concur with the way things are going have been sacked or resigned.

Not a place I'd want to be.You won't find anything about it on there because anything critical (which was always allowed in the past) just gets deleted.

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