Discussion: The Transfer Window. Is it a bonkers concept.

mercredi 31 janvier 2018

I'm old enough to remember the days before the transfer window. In those days, if you wanted a player, you just went out and bought one (Ollie's pint of milk analogy). This could happen at any time and was not limited to a three month period in the summer and one month in the winter.

The argument for the transfer window is that it allows a settled squad during the season, with an option for a tweak half way through. Generally players will not have their heads turned in the same way that they could if there was no window. Additionally it prevents distorted activity outside the window as the richer clubs can flex their muscles at will and it is the same rule for everyone.

Plus the powers that be get their entertainment and we get to be happy/disappointed/frustrated.

The argument against is that it does not legislate for issues within between the windows, particularly injuries, meaning squads can be left bare. This can mean bigger squads to cover this eventuality and the loan market as a consequence. In addition concentrating activity in time brackets can have an inflationary effect on prices and can make deals stupidly concentrated (as a has to happen before b and c within the time frame) so panic can set in. Comments such as performance in the transfer window could decide who gets relegated, moves us away from it being a pure football competition.

So. Is the transfer window fit for purpose or is it bonkers

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