RIP Simon Tweedie

dimanche 21 janvier 2018

Good evening,

Last Saturday during the Burnley game I tragically lost my brother-in-law/best friend/fellow season ticket holder to a sudden heart attack.

As a family we are numb with shock and really struggling. I normally mourn in private but we agreed as Simon was such a huge Palace fan we would put something in the program for the Newcastle match.

However, as tributes have been flooding in, we have been overwhelmed by the sheer quantity and out-pouring of sincere support. Friends have posted on Facebook and Twitter to the point where it has been suggested the crowd applaud on the 36th minute (Simon's age). This has gained traction to the point it is appearing on all the Palace sites:

To view the link you have to Register or Login

Even Steve Parish has retweeted on Twitter:

To view the link you have to Register or Login

Even the Newcastle fans pages have picked up on the idea and have agreed to show their support. I thought it would be remiss of me now not to raise awareness on here.

Simon was a fantastic guy. This is taken from the crowd funding page his work set up for him:

It is often said that some people touch our lives briefly while others leave a lasting impression and are never forgotten. Simon Tweedie was one of those people.

It’s hard to forget someone who gave us all so much to remember. The special memories that we have of Simon will always bring a smile to our faces.

His funny moments, his quirky mannerisms and his laughter!
There will not be a Crystal Palace match that you will watch and not remember Simon. There won’t be a time when you have a Diet Coke (with vodka) and not remember Simon. There won’t be a time when you watch a Star Wars, James Bond or Harry Potter movie and not remember Simon.
He meant so much to us all.

Simon – your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.

In honour of Simon we would like to start a collection for his family. Anyone can donate to this JustGiving page. Please pass the link along.

Thank you for your continued support.

If you could honour him in the 36th minute next Sunday it would mean the world to us at this difficult time.

Thank you.


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