Attacking Style Clusters

vendredi 12 janvier 2018

I have to admit that I don't fully understand this, but Simon Gleave (head of Analysis at Infrostrada Sports) has submitted what he describes as an 'attacking style cluster' chart, which analyses the type of attacking style adopted by PL teams. I reproduce it here in case it means anything more to any of you - who may find it interesting!

He says:

Palace now attack like Manchester United according to this piece of analysis (Near Shots means Close range or high quality opportunities). Palace have also moved from the group containing Watford/Leicester/Stoke since Hodgson took over:

He explains:

It is an attempt to classify the Premier League clubs into different groups in terms of the style of their attacking play. Apparently Palace attack in a similar way to Southampton and Manchester United. Looking at those groups you could probably call them something like:

- Short passing teams playing centrally without set piece strength (Chelsea, Spurs, Liverpool)
- Short passing teams playing centrally with strength at set pieces (Man City, Arsenal)
- Balanced attack creating primarily close range shots and utilising crossing (Palace, Man Utd, Southampton)
- Long passing teams who also play out wide (Huddersfield, Brighton, Swansea, West Brom, West Ham)
- Medium long passing teams who also play out wide (Newcastle, Bournemouth, Watford, Leicester, Stoke)
- Long ball merchants (Burnley, Everton

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