English footballers and lack of intelligence

dimanche 22 juin 2014

I've wanted to start a thread like this up for a while, but I guess I've felt a bit embarrassed and disrespectful bringing it up. I know 'thick footballers' are classed in similar stereotypical brackets as 'female blondes', but it is something that people have generally joked about, and can't say I've seen much serious thought written on the subject.

'civil eagle' on the World Cup Uruguay thread brought it up, and prompted me to start a thread on the subject that I've wanted to for a while now.

It has always been a stark contrast for me, the difference in success between English football managers and Scottish ones. I think it's safe to say one of the attributes of a top manager is intelligence. Look at English managers; is there any top flight league in the world, where a home grown manager has not won their domestic league for over 20 years? Wilkinson in 1992, was the last Englishmen to win our top flight league.

You can reel off the top English players in the last 30 years that have been average at best in management: Robson, Barnes, Butcher, Shilton, Mills, Pearce, Hoddle, Wilkins, Adams, Shearer, Southgate, Ince, Neal......nearly all them rode on the back of their successful playing career and were given decent club jobs too, yet still were failures predominantly.

We were lucky; in Coppell we have had one of the only bright English managers in the last 30 years. Is it a coincidence that he finished a degree in economics before taking up the game professionally?

At a guess I would point the finger at our education system in this country. Nearly all our professionals hail from working class backgrounds and so attended comprehensive schools. The gulf in eloquence between our English rugby counterparts compared to the footballers is pretty overwhelming. And guess what? The majority of professional players in the English Rugby Union Premiership went to private schools.

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