Ebola outbreak.

mardi 1 avril 2014

As many of you know I am a right geeky saddo when it comes to this sort of thing and have been taking an interest in this for a while now.

Been plenty of 'chatter' about it but over the last couple of days coverage has become a little bit more mainstream with MSF issuing a warning and they are not an organization know for scare mongering. 78 deaths out of 122 reported cases are numbers worth taking attention of.

Now the Saudis have halted issuing visas for pilgrims from Guinea and Liberia which is an interesting development especially given rumors within the circles that like to discuss this sort of thing about the Saudis trying to keep a lid on their own little potential pandemic crisis.

Is it time to start stocking up on the bottled water and so on ? Nah. Well not yet anyway but with all the emphasis put on Flu as the big risk, Ebola offers an alternative which has potentially far wider problems.

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