It ain’t all doom and gloom is it?

lundi 27 novembre 2023

Don’t get me wrong I was fuming Saturday after the final whistle. Did I see it coming yeah probably didn’t to be fair! When we don’t score early we tend to lose momentum in games. Should we have gone on to still lose after that worldie from Olise. No I don’t think so. Can just about call their winner against the fun of play at the time.

I get people are angry and it’s fairly embarrassing (no disrespect to Luton) but to be the first it will go down in the history books.

What we can’t compensate for is losing both Eze and Cheik to injuries so early in the second half. I don’t know if we would have still gone on to lose had they both still been on the pitch, will never know what might have happened. Think a point at the very least would have been expected by most of us.

We’ve not had that bad a start to the season and considering I think it’s now lost 3 of the last 4 were not down at the bottom and should be comfortable come the end of the season.

Yes we should have got a couple more players during the summer and at times some of the players are frustrating to watch but it really isn’t as bad as some make out on here!

It’s easy to get pissed off and upset (ruins my weekends when we lose and can’t even watch the highlights) but it’s our club and let’s face it win lose or draw there isn’t another place any of us would rather be on a match day then watching our boys even when they have games where they aren’t on top form!

Happy Monday 🙌🏽

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