The 80’s Selhurst attendance conspiracy

mardi 7 mai 2019

Back in the 80’s, among my circle of Palace attending friends, it was a common thing to speculate that the official attendance in games that drew bigger crowds was announced as lower than it actually was. The theory went that Ron would somehow manipulate the figures for financial gain. Remember when the attendance would be announced over the tannoy, there’d be raised eyebrows and ‘come off it’ side glances.

Have to say there were a few games when the likes of Chelsea or Pompey were in town and Selhurst looked pretty full, yet the attendance wasn’t much more than the modest attendance 2 weeks before against an Oldham or Blackburn.

Was this just some ‘Madden shagged Coppell’s wife’ myth motivated by our very own Mr Burns or was there substance to it?

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