Old Chants you would like to hear again.

jeudi 11 octobre 2018

Ill leave the HF chants to the HF if they ever comeback, although I think ‘We Follow’ will stay regardless.

However what were some of the old chants that some of us who are not HF could getting going? One’s we miss from the past.

Racking my brain I can only remember:

• Walking down the Holmesdale Road to see the Palace Aces
• You are My Palace
• Glad all over
• Eagles (repeat)
• Ron Noades mother etc
• Oh South London is wonderful
• ‘Managers’ Red and Blue Army
• We are the Leftside / Holmesdale / Arthur
• Come on Palace.

There must be more? I think Noades and South London is wonderful are abit outdated.

Dont get me wrong, I love the HF chants but I think they should be started by them, and then there could be an identity for those who are general Palace supporters for this season as they wont be back it seems this year.

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