Watching (other) Football

jeudi 19 mars 2015

I've noticed probably more threads this year than other years relating to other games which are taking place, including ones for competitions not including Palace (FA Cup after we were knocked out, Champions League etc).

Not threads discussing the competition / results, but match update threads and the like.

Clearly, some people like football, and will watch any match which happens to be on - because they like "the beautiful game" to that extent. Others watch their own team and other games of importance (title deciders, cup finals etc), but for me, I really struggle to watch anything other than Palace, with the tougher England qualifiers and tournament games as about the only other football I watch. Even with the World Cup last summer, I don't think I watched more than an hour of other matches in total across the tournament when at home (I watched Chile v Brazil in a pub as we were out and it was on).

I guess I don't consider myself a football "fan", but a fan of Palace - other matches just bore me within 5 minutes and I end up channel surfing around and popping back every now and then to see the score.

It sounds corny, but I think it is due to the "emotional investment" in supporting Palace, that I get apathetic when watching other teams. If it happens to be on where I am, and I start to watch for one reason or another, then I will probably get drawn in - almost to fit in with others - but getting that initial engagement with non-Palace / England games I just struggle with.

So it got me wondering both how much other people watched football generally (away from Palace), and the reasons for this? Other than the "emotional investment" point above, I don't know why I don't watch other football matches - they just bore me!

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