Dissertation help

lundi 2 mars 2015


I'm a third year psychology student at Bedfordshire university, and I am required to conduct a research study for my dissertation. I would be very grateful if you could all help and participate.

The more participants I gather, the more significant the data may become, leading to the possibility of a better grade. the better my grade is, the more chance of a receiving a first or 2:1 for my degree. This will in turn land me a better job, better life and maybe a woman. I will have children with this woman, bringing many more palace fans into this world. Therefore, by completing this questionnaire, you are essentially aiding the creation of the future generation of Palace fans.

It's a study on the relationship between dreams and personality types, and shouldn't take too long.

Here is the link: To view the link you have to Register or Login

Thanks in advance!

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