Hereford United

dimanche 22 juin 2014

Grim goings on at Hereford. Expelled from the Conference and potentially facing expulsion from the Southern League due to the actions or the previous (incompetent) chairman and now being followed up by the actions of an ex-con Essex wide boy spiv, Thomas Agombar. If you have a moment, read their forum on the link below for some background to a farcical situation.

This chancer is suspected to only be interested in aquiring the leases to Edgar Street from the Council so he can flog these off for development and pocket the cash.

The club is on it's knees and it seems that the only way forward for them now is to start again from scratch as a Phoenix club. This is a 'there but for the grace of God' situation and it's not right to see this happen to a very proud club.

This petition will hopefully gather enough signatures to convince Herefordshire Council to do the right thing and tell Agombar to **** off.

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Link to Hereford forum:

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